Orientation and Placement

New Student Orientation is designed for both new and returning students to help integrate you into the campus community and college life.  By providing information on student services and resources for success, Chaffey College welcomes and supports you as you begin your educational journey.

Online Orientation


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To become a Chaffey College student, individuals must participate in the placement process in math and English.  Placement is also required for students wanting to take English as a Second Language.  Students are able to enroll in college-level math and English in their first year due to rights under California Assembly Bill (AB) 705.  We are confident that our students can succeed in these courses, and additional support is provided to assist with completion through our Success Centers.

Chaffey College's placement process increases opportunities for entering students to directly access transfer level math and English courses and complete these courses within their first year.  The current placement process focuses on student's academic and career interests and educational background to generate course placement recommendations. Some of the sources used to generate course placement recommendations include:

  • The Academic and Career Community (ACC) selected by the student
  • A student's high school or college transcripts and grade-point averages (GPAs) (these can be official, unofficial, or self-reported if transcripts cannot be obtained)
  • The highest level of coursework completed in a subject and that course's grade


The placement process is a free, computerized placement tool that uses multiple measures, such as high school performance information, to place a student in math and English courses. The math and English placement process is a part of the application process. All new students will be placed in math and English after applying to Chaffey and can review or retake the placement via Self-Service online.  Language prerequisite challenge exams are administered after the student has met with a counselor to determine if the student will benefit from the challenge process. For guidance in choosing an ESL course, students should visit a counselor or the ESL webpage for information about each level.