Associate Degree 

  1. General Education
  2. Major Requirements
  3. Electives


  1. Writing
  2. Mathematics

Other Requirements for Graduation

I. Scholarship Requirements for Graduation

II. Residence Requirements for Graduation

III. Continuous Attendance


Unit and Subject Requirements

Associate Degree

The associate degree will be granted upon the completion of 60 semester units of work and the fulfillment of the following specific requirements:

  1. General Education (minimum 18 units)
    Complete the requirements stated under "General Education."
    Note: Students who are qualified to be certified for the CSU General Education pattern of classes or the IGETC pattern of classes also fulfill the General Education requirements for an associate’s degree for Chaffey College.
  2. Major Requirements (minimum 18 units)
    Complete an associate degree program as described under "Programs of Study" in the Chaffey College catalog.
  3. Electives
    (any additional units necessary to meet minimum degree unit requirement)
    Minimum Total Units Required For Degree --- 60 Units


Basic Skills Competency Requirements

  1. Writing
    The student must pass with a minimum grade of C:
    English 1A
  2. Mathematics
    Placement into Mathematics 25 or higher as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of one of the intermediate algebra or higher level math or statistics courses listed below:

    • Mathematics 425, 430, 4, 25 or higher level
    • Social Science 10
    • Statistics 10


Other Requirements for Graduation

Scholarship Requirements for Graduation

A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 (C average) in degree applicable units attempted.

Residence Requirements for Graduation

A minimum of 12 units must be earned at Chaffey College.

Application for Graduation

Students must file a formal application for graduation application online via MyChaffeyView for an associate degree or certificate. Students may graduate at the end of any semester or summer session. Refer to the college calendar for application deadlines.

Continuous Attendance

These graduation requirements apply to students during the 2019-2020 school year. Students who enroll prior to fall 2019 and who have maintained continuous attendance (attendance in at least one semester or two quarters, excluding summer sessions, each calendar year -- January 1 through December 31 -- as indicated on a permanent record) at any accredited college have the option of meeting the current requirements or those in effect at the time continuous attendance began. In the event that required courses have been discontinued, students may petition for substitution/waiver by making an appointment with a counselor in the counseling cepartment.