Veteran Services
You've served your country through the U.S. Armed Forces and now you're ready to explore the educational benefits available to you. Our staff in the veteran services office can help.
Our department serves as a liaison between veteran students and the Department of Veteran Affairs. Veteran services is equipped to assist veteran students with the appropriate forms to process claims for veteran educational benefits. The office is also an information center to assist with any questions concerning veteran educational benefits or educational experiences at Chaffey College.
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Hours: The VRC hours of operation are Mondays 8 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Becoming a Student
Apply for veteran educational benefits (if applicable) at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or by using the VA educational benefits application.
- Look for VA eligibility letter – what chapter they will be using
- Chaffey Student ID# and government-issued photo ID (Workflow
- VA education benefits documents (bring application confirmation page or certifying of eligibility or Post 9/11 statement of benefits)
- Form DD214 (discharge documents), Member 4, OR Form DD2384 - Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE) for reservists (Workflow)
- Veteran program check (obtained from the Veterans Resource Center)
- Chaffey veteran information card
- Active/reserve military identification (if applicable)
- Eligibility notice (for dependents, survivors or reservists)
Military transcripts and official transcripts from colleges previously attended (if any) to be sent to Chaffey College as soon as possible and contact admissions and records to confirm receipt. You can request Army, Navy/Marine, Air Force, or Coast Guard transcripts online
Submit a “Request for Course Evaluation of External Transcripts” form to counseling and “Request for Unit Evaluation of Transcripts” form to admissions and records.
New Student Orientation is designed for both new and returning students to help integrate you into the campus community and college life. By providing information on student services and resources for success, Chaffey College welcomes and supports you as you begin your educational journey. Once you complete New Student Orientation, you will be directed to Placement for Math and English.
The Placement is used to determine each student's proficiency level in Mathematics and English. Chaffey College does not accept assessment scores from other colleges/universities. It is important that you complete Placement as soon as possible in order to receive recommendations on courses to complete at Chaffey.
Complete your New Student Orientation and Placement online now
Schedule an appointment - Once logged in select the Veterans Counseling
During your appointment a counselor will prepare a veteran program check identifying any credits transferred from other colleges and the specific courses required for your program of study at Chaffey.
Your registration date and time will be available through the MyChaffey portal under the Self Service QuickLinks approximately two weeks before the start of registration for the term. Please contact us with any questions.
Enrollment fees can be paid through the Student Payment Center in the MyChaffey portal.
Once you have registered for classes you will have 10 calendar days to pay fees prior to the start of the semester. If you register less than 10 days before the first day of instruction for the semester, your payment is due the day before the semester begins. All classes will be dropped if payment is not received by the deadline. Exact dates can be found on your Registration Receipt (available in the portal) or the Payment Chart.
Enrollment fees can be paid online using your VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. You may also pay by check made payable to Chaffey College and mailed to Chaffey College Cashier’s Office, 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737.
Order your Parking Permit
It is important that you attend your first class meeting. Students who do not attend the first class may be dropped by the instructor for nonattendance.
It is ultimately your responsibility to drop any classes you no longer wish to take. You will be responsible for payment of all fees due for any class not dropped by the published refund deadline. Deadlines for short-term classes vary, so please check your Registration Receipt for exact dates.
You may access your Registration Receipt by logging on to the MyChaffey portal and selecting the My ChaffeyVIEW link. Next, select the blue “Students” box, and you will find the link under Payment Information.
Most classes require textbooks. Textbooks are available through the Chaffey College Campus Store and may be purchased online at
Educational Benefits and Financial Aid
All veterans and eligible dependents who wish to receive VA educational benefits while attending Chaffey College are required to meet with the veteran certifying official to begin the process.
For additional assistance and to schedule an appointment with Jessica, call (909) 652-6611 or email
Dependents of eligible service-connected veterans may participate in the fee-waiver program. Information is available from the California Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition to benefits specifically intended for veterans and eligible dependents, you may also qualify for federal and state student aid, educational loans and privately-funded scholarships. For more information, contact the Financial Aid staff at the Rancho Cucamonga, Chino or Fontana campus. Financial Aid website
Dependents of eligible service-connected veterans may participate in the fee waiver program. For more information, please visit the Cal Vet website or call 800-952-5626.
Veterans Resource Center
(909) 652-6235
Jessica Galvan, veterans certifying official
(909) 652-6611
Chaffey College
Veterans Resource Center/Veteran Services
5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-3002
Veteran services is located in the Veterans Resource Center, administration building,
Room 125.