Hero image for colorful butterfly over an image of students walking
Resources for Undocumented Students
Our mission is to empower Panthers, who are undocumented in their pursuit of higher
education and foster a supportive campus community dedicated to their educational
and personal goals. At Chaffey College, we have approximately 1,000 AB 540 students
on our campuses. They are with us to pursue educational goals and/or to gain current
job skills. They positively contribute to our campuses and communities daily. For
our students and the Dreamers across our nation. Therefore, Chaffey College provides
services, resources, and support to undocumented students on our campus.
Chaffey College is here to support you!
Get access to support services, legal guidance and important information.
Creating a Safe and Brave Space for our Undocumented and LGBTQIA+ student communities. PRISM
is a space that creates power through unity, diversity, and resilience. Our mission
is to provide a welcoming environment where all individuals can thrive.
PRISM is located in AD 191 (909) 652-6595
PRISM offers:
A supportive community
Resources that connect and intersect with the student experiences
The DREAM Act (short for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act) was
a bill in Congress that would have granted legal status to certain undocumented immigrants
who were brought to the United States as children and went to school here. Although
several versions of the bill have been introduced in Congress since 2001, it has never
passed. Who are the Dreamers?
In the last few years the term “DREAMer” has been used to describe young undocumented
immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, who have lived and gone
to school here, and who in many cases identify as American. The term DREAMer originally
took its name from the bill in Congress, but it has a double meaning about the undocumented
youth who have big hopes and dreams for a better future.
Student must:
Apply for the CA Dream Act
Submit by March 2nd, when required
Successfully meet
income guidelines
GPA & other Cal grant eligibility
AB 540/ AB 2000/ SB 68 eligibility
Program requirements for EOP or EOPS
Note: DACA is not required to apply for the CA Dream Act. DACA is a federal program,
while CA Dream Act is a state-based financial aid program.
The CA Dream Act allows AB 540/ SB 68 students to apply for:
State-funded grants (including Cal Grants, State grants, UC Grants & the CA College
Promise Grant)
State programs such as EOP & EOPS
Certain scholarships administered by the public institution
If necessary, complete any additional application materials required by your school
(e.g. CA & College Promise Grants, institutional scholarships, etc.).
Review and accept award on school’s portal.
Confirm and accept Cal Grant, if applicable.
Resolve any outstanding holds on your student portal.
Ensure your institution approves AB 540/SB 68 classification.
Any student, other than a non-immigrant, who meets all the following requirements
shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition at all public colleges in California
(the California Community Colleges, the California State University and the University
of California).
General Eligibility and Residency
The law does not grant residency; it requires that certain nonresident students be
exempted from paying nonresident tuition.
This benefit is available to all U.S. citizens, permanent residents of the U.S., and
aliens who are not non-immigrants (including those who are undocumented), who meet
all other eligibility criteria.
Students must meet all requirements to be eligible for exemption.
The exemption is not available for persons who are absent from California, but who
are taking distance education classes from California Community Colleges.
Students must meet the requirements below:
1: Time and Coursework Requirements (either A or B):
(A) Attendance for three full-time years or the equivalent at any combination of the following:
California high school
California adult school (including non-credit courses offered by a California community
college) *
California community college (maximum of two years of credit courses can count toward
this requirement)’
(B) Three years of California high school credits, along with three years of total attendance
at a California elementary school, California secondary school, or any combination
of the three.
2: Degree or Unit Requirements (completion of any of the following):
Graduation from a California high school or the equivalent (GED, HiSET, TASC, CHSPE)
Attainment of an Associate degree from a California Community College
Fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements from a California Community College
to a UC or CSU campus
If you believe you are eligible for AB 540, please complete the following forms:
Once the documents have been reviewed, you will be contacted by a residency advisor.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a kind of temporary administrative
relief from deportation. The purpose of DACA is to give eligible immigrants who came
to the United States when they were children protection from deportation. DACA gives
certain undocumented immigrants: 1) protection from deportation, and 2) a work permit.
What Are The Requirements For DACA?
You were under 31 years old as of June 15, 2012;
You first came to the United States before your 16th birthday;
You have lived continuously in the United States from June 15, 2007 until the present;
You were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012 and at the time
you apply;
You came to the United States without documents before June 15, 2012, or your lawful
status expired as of June 15, 2012;
You are currently studying, or you graduated from high school or earned a certificate
of completion of high school or GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast
Guard or military (technical and trade school completion also qualifies); and
You have NOT been convicted of a felony, certain significant misdemeanors (including
a single DUI), or three or more misdemeanors of any kind. Consult with an attorney about ANY contact you have had with law enforcement or immigration
The Chaffey College Financial Aid Department holds numerous workshops throughout the
year regarding the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and the Dream Act application.
Financial aid staff provide one-on-one assistance to students who attend.
Financial Aid CA Dream Act Drop-In Hours
8:00am-4:30pm in the CCSJ (CCE-100G) on the following dates:
September 11th and 25th October 16th and 30th November 13th and 20th December 18th
Financial support can be found through financial aid, on-campus and off-campus scholarships.
TheChaffey College Financial Aid Office helps all students fund their education. The office is located in the student services
administration building.
Chaffey College is committed to supporting all students, regardless of immigration
status, by providing a safe and welcoming learning environment. We stand with our
undocumented students and will continue to offer resources, advocacy, and support.
Todec Legal Center - as a Chaffey College student you would be able to schedule appointments directly
with TODEC legal representative.
Merrill Center ~ 14677 Merrill Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 Ph: (951) 643-2340 Windsor Center ~ 1481 N. Windsor Dr. San Bernardino CA 92404 Ph: (909) 361-6470
National Hopeline Network - suicide/crisis
855.278.4204 or www.imalive.com
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - crisis call center
800.273.8255 or www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
San Bernardino County United Way - counseling/crisis
TODEC offers FREE legal screening, consultations, citizenship application assistance,
fee waiver assistance, and DACA renewals. Services are FREE to Chaffey College students,
staff, and faculty.
For more information or if you need accessibility accommodations to partake in your
appointment, please contact priscilla.zamoranunez@chaffey.edu
Undocu-Panthers Club
This club empowers immigrants, dreamers, and students through advocacy, education,
understanding, and community while providing a safe space open to all students.
Meets every Wednesday 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Rancho campus AD 191
Thursday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am (Zoom) Registration is required with the links provided
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream
Act Application (CADAA) for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic years with assistance
from Financial Aid staff over Zoom on Wednesdays from 2-3:30pm and Fridays from 9:00am
to 10:30am. Registration is required.
Statements for Dreamers & DACA Recipients
The Chaffey College Governing Board passed a2017 resolution in support of all students, regardless of immigration status. Chaffey College Superintendent/President Dr. Henry Shannon issued the following statement
on the Trump administration’s action to end DACA: “At Chaffey College, we stand behind the words of California Community Colleges Chancellor
Eloy Ortiz that the decision to end DACA is “a heartless and senseless decision that
goes against American ideals and basic human decency.” The 800,000 lives affected
by this decision are people who are law-abiding, educated and fluent in English. They
serve in our military, teach in our classrooms and are the doctors, lawyers, scientists
and leaders needed to continue building this strong nation. All of them were brought
to this country as children and see this nation as their home.
“At Chaffey College, we have approximately 1,000 AB 540 students on our campuses.
They are with us to pursue educational goals or to gain job skills. They positively
contribute to our campuses and communities daily. For our students and the Dreamers
across our nation, we urge Congress to find a permanent solution to this issue. At
Chaffey College, we will remain committed to providing educational access to all students
in the communities we serve regardless of their immigration status as written in our
Governing Board Resolution in February 2017.”
“Ending DACA is a heartless and senseless decision that goes against American ideals
and basic human decency. Those who are affected by this decision were brought to this
country as children and are pursuing an education and making contributions to their
communities. Some have served in the armed forces defending this country. In California,
we don’t put dreams --or Dreamers --on hold. The California Community Colleges remain
committed to serving all students, regardless of immigration status, and to providing
safe and welcoming environments in which to learn. We will do all within our power
to assist students affected by this decision, and we will advocate tirelessly in Congress
for a permanent resolution to this issue.”
The Chaffey College Classified Senate stands in support of the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students at Chaffey College. The Classified Senate provides Classified Professionals with a formal participatory
voice in supporting the College’s mission, vision, core values and promoting a successful
learning environment for students. As an integral part of the college community, the
Classified Senate strives to actively contribute to the growth and success of ALL
members of Chaffey College. We encourage Classified Professionals and all other recipients
of this email to continue to proudly stand by our students’ rights to obtain support
and pursue educational and vocational opportunities at Chaffey College.
The Chaffey College Academic Senate stands in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals (DACA) students at Chaffey College. Faculty inspire students to reach their goals, and have high academic and professional
aspirations. Serving the “whole student” and developing safe, learning-centered environments
is the cornerstone of our values. The Academic Senate embraces equity principles,
which include respect for students and all employee groups at the college, the dignity
and diversity of all students, and the capacity of all students to learn, grow, and
succeed. – Academic Senate Pride Statement
And to this end, the Academic Senate is dedicated to providing access, opportunity,
and support services to all DACA students as they pursue their educational goals at
Chaffey College. As faculty leaders, let us stand in unity in support of our DACA
student’s ability to learn and participate in all aspects of the educational opportunities
afforded to them with freedom and hope. Our student’s rights are human rights, which
are indivisible.
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