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Steps to Register

Need help registering?

Watch the Self Service Registration Instructions Video for a detailed step-by-step tutorial.


Co-requisite Registration

For classes that must be taken at the same time/same term, add all sections to your plan in Self-Service and click the Register Now button to process all registration at the same time.

Important Things to Know

Your registration date and time can be verified on MyChaffey Portal approximately two weeks before registration begins. You may register on or after your assigned registration date and time.
If you have a registration restriction, you may view your restriction in one of two ways:

  • Log into the MyChaffey Portal, choose the Self-Service (Registration) link and you can view your restriction under Notifications.
  • Download the Chaffey College Mobile App and select the “My Notifications” option.

The appropriate department and phone number will be listed. The restriction must be removed in order to register.

Registration Priority

Registration priority is assigned to continuing, returning, new students, and students with dependent children who have completed the placement process, orientation, have an educational plan, and are in good standing.


Maximum Unit Load

You may enroll in up to 18.0 units in spring/fall, and 12.0 in summer, based on class availability. Counselor permission is required to enroll in more than the maximum number of units. You may contact a counselor here to request a Unit Overload be submitted on your behalf. Please allow one business day for processing.

Multiple Enrollments

You may only enroll in one section of a given course at the same time within the same semester.

Time Conflicts

You are not permitted to enroll in classes that meet at the same time or that have overlapping class schedules.


The waitlist opens as soon as a class becomes full, provided the waitlist option is available for the class. While registering via the MyChaffey Portal, you may place yourself on the waitlist for a class that is closed. You will be automatically enrolled in the class when a space becomes available, and you will be notified via your personal email. Registration will occur based on waitlist order.

You may not enroll and waitlist in different sections of the same course at the same time. Time conflicts are not checked systematically when wait listing.

If the section has started and you were not registered from the waitlist, you can contact the instructor to request an add authorization during the add period. Add authorizations are distributed on an instructor-by-instructor basis and cannot be guaranteed.


Registering With a Petition

Students who require an approved petition to register in a course must complete the appropriate petition in the Admissions and Records forms section of the MyChaffey portal. Your petition will be processed once approved by the Dean, after which, you may register yourself for the desired course.


Drop a Course