
Phone: Megan Keebler, 909-652-6498
Location: Chaffey College Library - Rancho Cucamonga Campus


Become an SI Leader

The objective of the apprentice position is to develop student leaders in supplemental instruction. Supplemental instruction is an academic assistance program that targets traditionally difficult academic courses in order to reduce rates of student attrition and improve student grades. The apprentice, while working closely with the selected course instructor, plays the key role in this assistance program by helping students integrate course content and learning/study strategies during a number of regularly scheduled out-of-class sessions every week. Apprentices are the model students of the subject, and as such, they present a model of thinking, organization and mastery of the course.


While employed as a supplemental instruction leader, apprentices may not be employed under any other job title at the college (e.g. student worker, federal work study, etc.). The apprentice may be employed for a maximum of nine (9) semesters, consecutive or cumulative, including summer sessions, and may not work more than 170 working days or more than 980 hours during the academic year. Employment is not guaranteed the full nine semesters. The district accepts applications on an ongoing basis and positions are filled on the basis of need and availability. The District has the right to terminate your employment at any time. As an "at will" employee, you do not have reasonable assurance of continued work. Therefore, during breaks in employment you are eligible to apply for unemployment and may file a claim with the Employment Development Department (EDD). Your entitlement for benefits will be determined by EDD and not by the district.


  1. An overall GPA of 3.0 for all course work in the discipline is required.
  2. A grade of "B" or better in the selected course is preferred. In addition, if in the judgment of the selected course instructor the grade of "B" was not earned recently, the selected course instructor will determine content competency.
  3. Prior completion of the course with the selected course instructor is preferred.
  4. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, as well as maturity, reliability and dependability.

Recommendation for Employment

Selected course instructor.

Apply to be an SI leader

Review the SI leader training manual.


Leader Resources


  1. Attend supplemental instruction (SI) leader training and ongoing staff meetings.
  2. Attend class meetings of the selected course, take notes, and read assigned materials, including text(s), and supplemental readings. Plan collaborative activities for the SI sessions.
  3. Conduct 50-minute SI study sessions every week (specific number to be determined in consultation with the instructor and SI director) throughout the term using strategies learned through the SI leader training. Collect attendance data for every SI session, including student names and date and time of session.
  4. Work with the instructor to schedule SI sessions. Provide the instructor with an up-to-date schedule of the SI sessions. Notify the instructor in advance if you cannot conduct an SI session as scheduled.
  5. Regularly meet with the instructor to do the following:
    1. Discuss observations of the SI session.
    2. Discuss the creation and use of SI session handouts and worksheets.
    3. Discuss the planning of SI sessions and use of a wide variety of collaborative learning strategies.
    4. Discuss problems or potential problems.
  6. Make frequent announcements about the availability of the SI sessions to the students
  7. Ensure that all surveys are distributed and collected.
  8. Maintain a professional attitude about matters such as class standards, grades and student complaints.
  9. Model appropriate professional attitudes and behaviors to staff, students and others.
  10. Meet with other SI apprentices and observe other SI sessions.
  11. Other related duties may be assigned.



The apprentice works under the direction of the dean of instructional support and the supplemental instruction director. Progress is measured each semester through direct observation and student surveys. Additional training, if necessary, will be provided.


Faculty Resources

Selection of Courses for Supplemental Instruction

How do we determine which classes get SI?

We want this process to be as fair as possible. Here is the criteria we use:

  1. The course is considered to be a "high risk/barrier" course:
    Definition of High Risk/Barrier Course:
    1. leads to completion of a general education requirement for degree and transfer
    2. enrolls large numbers of students
    3. had course success rates below the Chaffey College average
  2. A qualified leader is available to attend lecture times and hold study sessions at times convenient for the students attending that class.
  3. Adequate funding is available.
  4. It is most beneficial for the program if multiple sections of the course are being taught by the same instructor.