Academic and Career Counseling Appointment Scheduler
Academic and Career Counseling Lobby
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Counseling Administration
Maria Beck, M.S.
Counseling Faculty
Counseling Faculty
Kristen Burleson
Career Counselor
Career Counselor
Jennika Celo, M.S.
Counseling Faculty
Counseling Faculty
Lizzete Garcia, M.S.
Counseling Faculty, Fontana Campus
Counseling Faculty, Fontana Campus
Karina Jabalera, M.S.
Counseling Faculty
Counseling Faculty
Michelle V. Martinez, M.A., MFT
Counseling Faculty, Chino GPS Center
Counseling Faculty, Chino GPS Center
Monica Molina, M.A.
Counseling Faculty
Counseling Faculty
Jeff Moser
Counseling Faculty, Athletics
Counseling Faculty, Athletics
Cherlou Opulencia, M.S.
Counseling Faculty
Counseling Faculty
Charles Prattella, M.S., P.P.S.
Counseling Faculty
Counseling Faculty
Wendy Whitney
Career Counselor
Career Counselor
Academic and Career Counseling Support Staff