Guiding Panthers to Success
The Guiding Panthers to Success Centers (GPS) provide various online and in-person support to new, continuing, and returning students. All services available on walk-in basis. NO Appointment Needed.
- Steps to becoming a student
- Registration assistance using self-service
- Exploration of Academic and Career Communities (ACC’s)
- Navigating the Chaffey Portal
- Understand Unit Load Planning
- Information about scholarships
- Connect with campus resources
- Answer general questions about the college
- Assistance with making a counseling appointment
Download the GPS flyer
Hours of Operation
Monday & Thursday - 7:30 am - 7:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Online Support
Our motivated and dedicated Success Guides are excited and ready to serve you through ConexED. Join our Virtual Lobby during our online hours of operations for online services or knock on our door in the cards below if you see us available online!
You may contact us via phone or e-mail at:
Rancho Campus (909) 652-6466
Chino Campus (909) 652-8120
Fontana Campus (909) 652-7460
(please allow up to 2-3 business days for response)
Frequently Asked Questions
Step 1: Submit a Free Chaffey College Application
You will receive a confirmation email within 2 business days that will include your Chaffey College ID number and instructions for logging into the MyChaffey portal.
Connect to Admissions and Records Live Support
International Students must complete a secondary application through the International
Students Center. Please contact us for more information.
Email International Students Center
International Students Center Website
Apply for Financial Aid
You may be eligible for free tuition and other financial assistance including grants, work study, and scholarships. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students who qualify under AB540 can submit the Dream Act Application
Chaffey College School Code: 001163
Email Financial Aid
Financial Aid Website
Complete New Student Orientation and Placement
New Student Orientation is designed for both new and returning students to help integrate you into the campus community and college life. By providing information on student services and resources for success, Chaffey College welcomes and supports you as you begin your educational journey.
Complete your New Student Orientation online now.
Email Counseling
Counseling Website
Placement Process
The math and English placement process is a part of the application process. All new
students will be placed in math and English after applying to Chaffey and can review
or retake the placement via Self-Service online.
Note: You already have access to register for the following:
- English 1A (Freshman Composition)
- Math 25 (College Algebra)
- Math 4 (Math Concepts for Teachers)
- Stat 10 (Elementary Statistics)
- Scsci 10 (Social Science Statistics)
- Acctgfs 30 (Personal Finance)
If you would like to schedule an online appointment with a counselor, please visit our Student Support Hub and follow the instructions below. It is best to use Chrome as the browser.
- Click to enter Canvas (second option)
- Enter your Chaffey ID and password
- Click Student Support (left side)
- Click Online Counseling
You can either schedule an appointment or chat with a counselor.
If for some reason you cannot enter the site through Canvas, you can also enter by registering as a Guest:
- Click on Guest Registration (last option)
- Click Register and enter your information and create a password.
- Reenter the site, click Guest Registration and enter your user name (email) and password.
- Choose any counselor, click Schedule Meeting and complete the information.
You can also chat (quick 10 - 15 minute) with a counselor by clicking Knock on Door.
Email Placement Center
Video Link for Further Assistance
Create an Educational Plan
After completing Orientation and Placement you will need to develop and Educational Plan with your Counselor in order to help you reach your academic and career goals. This Plan should be developed during your first semester of attendance and maintained throughout your enrollment at Chaffey College.
You may schedule an appointment with a Counselor through the Student Support Hub using the instructions above in #3-Placement Process.
Receive Your Registration Date
Your registration date and time will be available through the MyChaffey portal under the Self Service QuickLinks approximately two weeks before the start of registration for the term. Please contact us with any questions. Connect to Admissions and Records Live Support
Pay Enrollment Fees
Enrollment fees can be paid through the Student Payment Center in the MyChaffey portal
Once you have registered for classes you will have 10 calendar days to pay fees prior to the start of the semester. If you register less than 10 days before the first day of instruction for the semester, your payment is due the day before the semester begins. All classes will be dropped if payment is not received by the deadline. Exact dates can be found on your Registration Receipt (available in the portal) or the Schedule of Classes.
Enrollment fees can be paid online using your VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. You may also pay by check made payable to Chaffey College and mailed to Chaffey College Cashier’s Office, 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737.
Email the Cashier’s Office
Cashier’s Office Website
Attend First Class Meeting
It is important that you attend your first class meeting. Students who do not attend the first class may be dropped by the instructor for nonattendance.
It is ultimately your responsibility to drop any classes you no longer wish to take. You will be responsible for payment of all fees due for any class not dropped by the published refund deadline. Deadlines for short-term classes vary, so please check your Registration Receipt for exact dates.
You may access your Registration Receipt by logging on to the MyChaffey portal and selecting the My ChaffeyVIEW link. Next, select the blue “Students” box, and you will find the link under Payment Information.
Most classes require textbooks. Textbooks are available through the Chaffey College Campus store and may be purchased online at
A student will receive a preferred registration date by completing the orientation, assessment, and educational plan.
For first time users, the user name is the student’s first and last name initials. The password is the student’s 6-digit birthday mm/dd/yy.
The student will be prompted to create security questions. An example of a security question can be: What is my favorite color? The answer must be at least 5 characters long. Make sure to click on the save button after selecting the security questions.
Students will then be required to create a new password. The password must be at least 8 characters long.
If a student already created an account and can’t access the portal, they can email support staff at
Any student registered in a credit class will be assigned a Chaffey email account. Once the account is created the student will have access to that account via MyChaffey portal.
When you log into MyChaffey Portal you will see the Launch Pad located on the left side of the page. Select the Gmail icon to launch the application.
When you log into MyChaffey Portal, you will see the Launch Pad located on the left side of the page. Select the Canvas icon to launch the application.
Fall semester courses begin in August and end in December, spring semester courses begin in January and end in May, and summer courses being in June and end in July. Please refer to Chaffey’s academic calendar for specific dates. Please review our various academic calendars.
Visit our home page
Select Catalog and Schedule
Select a term under Schedule of Classes
Select the campus of interest
Log into MyChaffey Portal
Select the MyChaffeyView icon to launch the application
Select the blue students icon
Under Registration select What is My Registration Date?
NOTE: From summer 2021 semester onward, the registration process has changed. You can only register for classes via the "Self-Service (Registration)" link in the MyChaffey Portal. Learn more by checking out our registration instructions video.
For more registration information please visit the admissions department’s home page.
While registering online via the MyChaffey Portal, you may place yourself on the wait list for a class that is closed, provided the option to wait list is available.
Students on the wait list will be contacted via email if a seat opens. Notification is based on wait list rank. Waitlist rank can be monitored through the “Manage My Waitlist” link on MyChaffey VIEW via the MyChaffey Portal.
Once permission to register is received, you will need to log into the MyChaffey Portal and select My ChaffeyVIEW from the launch pad, and select students.
Select the option “Manage My Wait List” on the Student Menu. You may view your wait list rank and use your permission to register on this page by selecting “Register.”
Registration is not complete until you hit SUBMIT.
Students who do not receive email notification may go to the first class meeting for in person classes or send an email for online courses to request Add Authorization from the instructor. If an Add Authorization is obtained, the class may be added online by logging into Student Planning and selecting register.
The GPS Center provides registration assistance to students. However, it is not required for you to register at the GPS Center. You may register for courses using any computer with internet access.
The amount of time it takes to finish both major and general education courses will depend on the amount of units taken in each semester (whether you are attending full-time or part-time), the assessment placement in Math and English, and course availability.
Students can go to general counseling to do a walk-In and review specific program requirements with a counselor. Students can also see a success guide on walk-in for basic information about the programs at any of the GPS Centers. Students can also visit the health sciences webpage and select the program of interest.
Students are recommended to take courses that fulfill their general education requirements and prerequisite courses if their major is not offered at Chaffey College. Please visit the GPS Center or schedule an appointment with a counselor for further guidance.
Fast Track courses are compressed classes that meet for the same total number of hours as a full-term class, but in a shorter period of time (between 6 and 8 weeks, in most cases). Some of the fast-track sections involve two sequential courses packaged together in a single semester, with both the first and second class taught by the same instructor in the same time/day slot. For most of these sections, students can register for both fast-track sections at the same time. Disciplines offering this type of scheduling include accounting, American Sign Language, English, fashion design, mathematics, reading, and Spanish.
Absolutely. Students have the option of enrolling in Fast Track and regular courses during both fall and spring semesters.
How long it will take for you to meet your academic goals depends on the following factors: full-time or part-time enrollment, assessment placement in math and English, course availability and your academic goal (whether you would like to achieve a certificate, associates, or transfer degree). Make an appointment with a counselor to complete a comprehensive education plan to gain a better idea of how long it will take you to meet your goals.
CSUs are more likely to have applied or “hands-on” majors while UCs are known to offer more research-based majors. They also vary in cost, where CSU’s are known to be less costly than UCs. UCs also require students to attend school full-time, opposed to CSUs where students have the option of attending full-time or part-time. For more information regarding transfer institutions please visit the transfer center or email