Chaffey College is committed to helping you accomplish your educational goals. The
pathway to these goals sometimes involves overcoming challenges and obstacles to your
success. When those challenges result a substandard academic performance, programs
and services are available to help you get back on track to your SUCCESS!
Spring Office Hours: Monday 10 am – 7 pm Tuesday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Wednesday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Thursday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Please email any questions to
What is Opening Doors to Excellence?
Opening Doors to Excellence provides you with a carefully planned pathway to help
you improve your academic performance and regain good standing with the college. This
pathway includes the following steps:
Information Session - Learn about academic and progress probation and how the Opening
Doors program can help you regain good standing. Also, be informed about your options
and select the best path for improving your academic status. Commit to a plan of action
that will help get you back on track with progress towards completing your educational
Educational Plan - Meet with a counselor that has special knowledge and expertise
to help you overcome your challenges and obstacles and design a semester by semester
educational plan that will provide you with a clear vision of how to complete your
educational goal.
Guidance 507 - Take a course on how to become a more effective student. Learn about
how to better manage your time, use more effective study techniques and strategies,
set meaningful and achievable goals, and overcome personal challenges and obstacles
to your success.
Immunity from Dismissal for 1 year - Your participation in the program and your renewed
commitment to getting back on track will require additional time to improve your academic
performance. A key benefit of this program is two additional semesters to improve
your grade point average and complete courses without being dismissed from the college.
Why am I being asked to participate in Opening Doors?
Since almost 95 percent of the funding for your instruction comes from the State of
California, the college keeps track of your academic performance to meet requirements
that assure the state you are making progress on your goal. The college has probation
and dismissal policies and procedures that assist in achieving that objective.
Your current academic standing is second-level academic and/or progress probation.
That is to say, you have two consecutive semesters where your cumulative grade point
average fell below 2.0 and/or the number of units earned with a W, I, NP and NC has
exceeded 50 percent of the total number of units you have completed. This is a critical
point of progress because a third consecutive semester on probation would result in
being dismissed from the college. If you are dismissed, you are not permitted to enroll
in the next consecutive semester and sign a re-admission contract to be allowed to
return to the college after your dismissal in order to return to Chaffey.
One of the options available to you is to participate in the Opening Doors program.
Participating students enroll in Guidance 507 a 3 unit grade earning course. The grade
and units earned from this course can help you improve your academic standing. Since
the course is for credit, tuition and fees do apply.
Your probation standing is based on your cumulative academic performance. The semester
in which you earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for work completed a Chaffey College and/or
have less than 50 percent of your units attempted in grades of W, I, NC and/or NP,
you will be off probation. Your third consecutive semester on probation will result
in your dismissal from the college.
If you are dismissed, you will not be allowed to register for the next consecutive
semester after the dismissal action. To be readmitted after being dismissed, you must
sit out the dismissal period, reapply online to the college, attend a Readmissions
Contract Workshop, meet with a counselor to complete and educational plan and be cleared
to register for classes.
Each college has their own rules that apply to previously dismissed students or students
on probation from other colleges. Consult the catalog or contact the admissions office
at the college you plan to attend to see if there are any restrictions or if there
is a special admissions process for academically disqualified students.
As mentioned earlier, several options are presented at the information session. One
of them addresses this possibility. Please attend the information session for more
Unfortunately, the only way your registration block can be cleared is if you attend
the information session. Please make the necessary adjustments to your schedule and
secure transportation to attend a session that is most convenient for you.
Grades earned in summer are applied to the following fall semester to determine probation
standing. By itself summer is not a semester, so grades earned in that session are
not immediately used to regain good standing.
Your academic record is permanent and time does not relieve your previous performance.
Your probation standing is based on consecutive semesters on probation without regard
for the time between those semesters. That means if you enrolled in courses 10 years
ago then re-enrolled in the current semester your next consecutive semester would
be the current one even though ten years have passed between terms.
There are two answers to this question.
Grades earned at another college may be used to replace previous substandard grades
if the course taken is equivalent to a course taken previously at Chaffey. An official
transcript must be submitted to Chaffey and a request made for an official evaluation
of the transcript with the Admissions and Records office. After the official evaluation
is completed by the Admissions and Records office, make an appointment to meet with
a counselor for a course to course evaluation of the transcript. Grades earned in
equivalent courses at another college may be used to renew substandard grades in courses
taken previously at Chaffey. Also, courses and units completed at another college
may be used for academic renewal. See a counselor for assistance with both of these
Your probation standing is based on courses completed and grades earned at Chaffey
College only. Coursework completed at other colleges may be used to improve your GPA
through academic renewal or grade renewal by course repetition (as described in item
1 above). Only the cumulative grade point average and courses completed at Chaffey
are used to determine academic and progress probation standing.