Welcome! English

This will help us decide which ESL class is best for you.

Why is it important to choose the correct class?

  • You will feel more comfortable in class if you are in the correct level.
  • You will understand the assignments.
  • You will learn!

If we choose the wrong class:

  • You might feel uncomfortable.
  • You might not understand the assignments.
  • You might fail the class because everything is too hard.


REMEMBER – your teacher will not be teaching the things you should have learned in lower levels. That means, if you are in level 5, you are expected to know the skills from levels 1-4 already.

We have 6 levels of ESL:

Course Number Level Course Title
ESL 475 Level 6 Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing for ESL Students
ESL 652 Level 5 English as a Second Language, V
ESL 642 Level 4 English as a Second Language, IV
ESL 632 Level 3 English as a Second Language, III
ESL 622 Level 2 English as a Second Language, II
ESL 612 Level 1 English as a Second Language, I

Course Number Phrase 1 Phrase 2
ESL 475
To enter this class, these phrases describe you:
I can easily write an essay (3-4 paragraphs) in class in 60 minutes with very few basic errors. I can do this without a translator. At home, I can write 2-page essays with very few errors. I feel very comfortable using English anytime. I feel comfortable in college classes using English. I can talk about current events on the news in English.

ESL 652
To enter this class, these phrases describe you:

I can easily write a paragraph: 6-10 sentences) in class in 30 minutes with very few basic errors. I can do this without a translator. At home, I can write compositions (2-4 paragraphs) with very few errors. I feel comfortable speaking to most people in English even on the phone. I can talk about current events, controversial topics, dreams and goals. I can ask questions and explain my ideas in English.

ESL 642
To enter this class, these phrases describe you:

I can write a clear paragraph (6-8 sentences) in class in 60 minutes about one topic. I can do this without any help. I feel comfortable speaking to most people in English even on the phone. I can go shopping and introduce myself to new people. I can talk about work, school and my family.

ESL 632
To enter this class, these phrases describe you:

I feel comfortable writing 10 sentences in class in 30 minutes without a translator.
Maria is a nurse.
She likes to cook.
She has three kids.

I feel (mostly) comfortable shopping or ordering food in a restaurant using English. I can talk to other ESL students using basic sentences. I don’t like talking on the phone in English.
ESL 622
To enter this class, these phrases describe you:
I can write a few words in English. I can write the alphabet and simple sentences like:
I am Maria. I am 40 years old.
I don’t feel comfortable speaking in
English, but I can say a few phrases like hello and goodbye. I can tell you basic things about myself like my home country, family, job, etc.
ESL 612
To enter this class, these phrases
describe you:
I know very few words in English. I don’t feel comfortable speaking in
English at all.