Students Find Community at Fall Club Rush

August 30, 2024

Club Rush

From karaoke to crocheting and mental health to men’s volleyball, students representing a wide variety of interests brought together thousands from the campus community for Fall Club Rush on Aug. 28.

The event takes place twice a year, giving students a chance to join or create their own clubs on campus and connect with each other outside of the classroom.

Eleven clubs were chartered as of Aug. 29, with another 25 working to gather more members to become officially chartered.

English major Brandon Croxford dreamed up the Karaoke Club as a way for students to express themselves. He’s hoping he can gather enough like-minded singers to make the club official.

“Club meetings will most likely consist of discussing some of our favorite songs/music, what singing means to us, planning karaoke face-offs and singing our hearts out,” he said.

Sarah Siddiqui, who is majoring in psychology, serves as president of the Chaffey Loves You Club. The club plans to focus on raising mental health awareness through presentations, workshops and guest speakers.

"Chaffey College has provided me with incredible support, especially EOPS, and I want to give back to this caring community," she said.

Many long-standing clubs such as Chaffey College Student Government, Game Development and Chaffey Dungeons and Dragons also attended the event to recruit new members.

Several unchartered reading and writing clubs joined the festivities, including the Book Club, the Books and Music Club, the Panther Poet Society and the Fiction Writing Club.

More newcomers looking for charter status include WooSTEM, a group of female students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics, and the Youth Innovation Collective. 

A list of chartered clubs can be found online. To join unchartered clubs, reach out to Student Life Coordinator Sonia Juarez.