Fellowship Requirements
- Commit a maximum of 5 hours weekly at your host site for the entire academic year.
- Two-semester commitment, by signing the UndocuSuccess Fellowship agreement.
- Students are required to attend an UndocuSuccess Fellowship orientation. Orientation will take place during the fall semester and will be hosted by CCSJ.
- Students must complete and track 85 hours per semester with the program, a total of 170 hours annually (roughly 5* hours per week).
- Meet with an Academic and Career counselor once per semester for support.
- Have a comprehensive education plan on file.
- Complete and submit bi-weekly journal entrees. Journaling allows students to reflect on their experiences in the program and can further develop problem solving skills.
- The journals will be submitted online and will be reviewed by staff at the CCSJ to ensure completion.
- Participate in Chaffey College’s Black and Brown Minds and Mattering Conference (present a workshop or volunteer).
- Upon completion of the final semester have met with the Success Center/Career Services
to complete:
- Resume
- Any available and applicable professional development opportunities.
- Attend 2 PRISM or CCSJ events each semester for a total of 4 events over the fall/spring semesters
- Attend the UndocuSuccess Fellowship End-of the-Year Celebration (hosted by CCSJ) to receive your UndocuSuccess Fellowship certificate of completion.
- Complete a pre- and post- survey of your expectations and experiences from participating in this program.
* Note: appointments and attendance of above required activities will count toward weekly hours.