
The District Warehouse is under the umbrella of the Purchasing Services department and is the central location for all incoming deliveries received in response to District purchase orders.  The warehouse is dedicated to providing timely and efficient customer service in the following areas:

  • Packaging, shipping, receiving, and returns of damaged or non-conforming items
  • Inventory Control
  • Mail Delivery
  • Surplus Property Disposal


Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
Phone: (909) 652-6712


Warehouse Supplies:

Warehouse Supply List 

Warehouse Supply Requisition Form

Please email the Warehouse Supply Requisition Form to: Warehouse@chaffey.edu 

District Receiving Procedures

All equipment and supplies shall be delivered, received, and processed through the District Warehouse unless otherwise specified on the purchase order. The Purchase Order number must appear on all packages and packing slips associated with each order. Materials shipped to the college shall be directed to the District Warehouse located at:

5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737

District Warehouse personnel will deliver equipment and supplies to the requisitioner's Division/Department or storeroom; for contracted services, the requisitioner shall acknowledge receipt by signing the District Purchase Order Receiver. The signed District Purchase Order Receiver shall be promptly forwarded to the Purchasing Department for processing. Failure to process the District Purchase Order Receiver in a timely manner will result in delays in payment to suppliers. Materials or equipment not received as requested, or in damaged condition, should be immediately brought to the attention of the Warehouse.

Deliveries made to the District to any location other than the central warehouse without an authorization from the Purchasing Department (unless indicated on the Purchase Order) shall be considered the responsibility of the shipper/supplier and not an obligation of the District.  Any items over $500 are tagged for inventory.

All instructional software purchases will be delivered by the warehouse to Information Technology Services so they can update the software inventory and make appropriate copies for Information Services and the department that ordered the software. ITS will deliver and install, as appropriate, after processing.


Fixed Assets & Disposals of Surplus

Capital assets such as land, buildings, improvements, vehicles, furniture, machinery and equipment must be adequately safeguarded. Chaffey College has established control procedures and a fixed asset tracking system. Capital equipment items must be identified as Chaffey College's property. The assigned identification tag number must be recorded on the fixed asset listings. All non-capital equipment under $5,000.00, but over $500.00, is considered an asset and is logged in our inventory.

Surplus Property

Items that are no longer needed will be processed through the warehouse and taken to surplus property upon receipt of an approved asset transfer request form and approval from the Governing Board.


Warehouse Miscellaneous Information

MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets)
Vendors are required to provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) from the manufacturer for all products that are hazardous, as defined by Title 8, California Code of Regulations.

Invoices For Shipping
Separate invoices for shipping charges may be submitted only when authorized on the purchase order. All original invoices should be directed to Accounts Payable and shall include the purchase order or contract number.

Personal Deliveries
Personal deliveries are prohibited, please make sure that all shipments are intended for Chaffey College or one of its auxiliaries.

Hazardous Waste
Contractors transporting hazardous materials on or off campus must supply an approved manifest to the Director of Police Department.