News and Announcements:
Effective June 2020, Chaffey College has implemented a web-based procurement system hosted by PlanetBids. The PlanetBids system allows suppliers, contractors, and service providers to register online to receive automated email notifications of solicitations for all public Bids, Requests for Qualifications, and Requests for Proposals. To register, access the District's PlanetBids Vendor Portal:
- Senate Bill 854 - Prevailing wage requirements by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR).
- Construction and maintenance contractors will find past bid result information under the Bids/RFP's link. All future bid information will be accessible through the District's PlanetBids Vendor Portal.
- Notice Inviting interested contractors for the informal bidders list for Chaffey Community College District. If you or your company would like to be placed on the District's informal contractors bidding list, please visit our Chaffey Vendor Portal on PlanetBids.
- Bid threshold: As of January 1, 2025, the bid threshold is now $114,800.00, pursuant to Public Contract Code 20651(d). This threshold applies to: purchases of equipment, materials, or supplies to be furnished, sold, or leased to the district, services, except construction services, and repairs, including maintenance as defined in Section 20656, that are not a public project as defined in subdivision (c) of Public Contract Code 22002.
Doing Business With Chaffey College
Introduction and Authority
The Governing Board of the Chaffey College has adopted a centralized purchasing concept whereby the district will maintain an actively completive attitude to obtain the best combination of product quality, price and delivery through the purchasing department. The board has adopted policies and the campus is implementing procedures to meet these policy goals.
This general information is published in compliance with Sections 54202 and 54204 of the California Government Code. Specific questions should be addressed to the director of purchasing. The Chaffey purchasing philosophy is to maintain professional relationships with all vendors and contractors and to be receptive to new ideas, sources and concepts. The Chaffey College procurement professionals use their expertise to ensure that all transactions meet legal requirements, good business practice guidelines and district policy.
Although, under law, the governing board has the ultimate responsibility for all purchases/contracts of the district, the governing board, in accordance with Education Code Section 81656 delegates to the president who authorizes the Director of Purchasing Services to purchase supplies, materials apparatus, equipment and services involving an expenditure by the district up to, but not to exceed, the current statutory bid threshold for materials, supplies, or services, or $75,000 for construction work to be done.
In accordance with Education Code Section 81655 the board has also delegated to the president who authorizes the Associate Superintendent of Business Services and Economic Development to contract for supplies, materials apparatus, equipment, and services not authorized under Education Code Section 81656. All contracts entered into by such designate shall be approved, or ratified by the governing board, as evidenced by a motion duly passed and adopted.
Purchasing And Bid Information
Purchase Orders: The acquisition of materials and/or service in limited quantities may be made by issuing a purchase order, following competitive negotiations with vendors.
Purchases made in the name of the District without an authorized purchase order, shall be considered an obligation of the person making the purchase and not an obligation of the District.
Contracts: Service agreements under $114,800 may be let on District approved contracts. Service agreements over $114,800 requires a competitive process. Public Works Contracts: Construction projects under $75,000 may be let on District approved Field agreements. Construction projects between $75,000 - $220,000 requires an informal bid process and construction projects $235,000 or more requires a competitive bid process. Contracts are not valid unless executed by a District authorized signatory, issued by a District representative by Education Code Section 81656 and approved or ratified by Chaffey College's Governing board.
Quotations: Verbal or written quotations may be secured for equipment, supplies, and services not requiring formal advertised bids or proposals.
Formal Bids And Proposals: Formal advertised bids or Requests for Proposals are required for equipment, supplies, and services exceeding the current statutory bid threshold (including applicable sales tax) or for construction exceeding $75,000.
Bid Advertisements: The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin is the newspaper of record for all advertised bids. Bid announcements are published once a week for two consecutive weeks, usually in the legal section. Some construction projects will be listed in appropriate trade publications. All are posted on the Chaffey College purchasing web page.
Bond And Surety Requirements: All bidders may be required to provide a Bid Bond with certain types of advertised bids. Successful contractors and bidders may, in addition, be required to furnish any or all of the following:
- 100% Performance Bond
- 100% Payment Bond (mandatory for all construction over $25,000)
- proof of public liability insurance with endorsements
- Workers' Compensation
- verification of current contractor license
- Specific requirements will be outlined in each advertised bid or contract.
Non-Collusion Affidavit: In addition to other bid documents, bidders on public works projects are required by Public Contract Code section 7106 to submit a certification form that they have not colluded with another bidder.
Receipt Of Bids: All formal advertised bids will be received ONLY in the location designated in the bid documents. The bid shall be submitted in a sealed envelope identified with the bid name/number prior to the date and time specified in the bid instructions. The electric date stamp determines whether or not a bid is received on time. Binds received after the scheduled time will be returned un opened to the bidder.
Bid Opening: Presence at bid openings are not required although vendors and contractors are welcome to attend. Raw bid results will be posted on the Purchasing web page within 72 hours of opening.
Award: The purchase of goods and/or services shall be let to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder(s). The evaluation of responses for award may be based upon price, terms, specifications, past performance of supplier or contractor, compatibility of bid items with existing equipment or materials, and where appropriate, delivery or completion time. Per Education Code Section 81645, contracts for electronic data processing systems and equipment, electronic telecommunication equipment, supporting software and related materials, goods and services may be let to the party who has submitted on of the three lowest responsible competitive proposals or competitive bids.
After bids have been reviewed and analyzed, a recommendation shall be made to the governing board at the next possible regularly scheduled board meeting. Bids will be available for review in the Purchasing office within three days of opening.
Relief Of Bidders: A vendor or contractor may be relieved of a bid in which a mistake was made in filling out the bid form and which was not due to an error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the specifications or plans. The vendor must give a detailed written notice of the mistake to the District within five (5) days of the opening of the bids. A bidder who is relieved of a bid will be prohibited from participating in further bidding on the project/purchase.
MSDS: Vendors are required to provide Material Safety Data Sheets (M.S.D.S.) from the manufacturer for all products that are hazardous, as defined by Title 8, California Code of Regulations.
Hazardous Waste: Contractors transporting hazardous materials on or off campus must supply an approved manifest to the Director of Police Department
Equal Opportunity: The Chaffey Community College District conducts its business activities without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, handicap or sex. The district may require certain contractors to supply data on use of Disable Veteran Businesses (DVBE) or to comply with the district's DVBE participation program.
Vendor Calls
Salespersons and supplier representatives shall promote their merchandise through purchasing services. This does not preclude a department from requesting information directly from a vendor.
Appointments are required for vendor calls. Please see the Staff Directory for contact information of purchasing and warehouse staff.
All original invoices should be directed to accounts payable and shall include the purchase order or contract number.
Policies and Procedures
Contracting With Employees
Chaffey College has a policy that does not allow service contracts to be entered with its employees. Under federal and state statutes and regulations, employees generally do not quality as independent contractors. Purchasing verifies the employment database on all contracts to verify employment status, and coordinates with the human resources department to ensure compliance with District policy.
Splitting Orders
It is against District policy as well as illegal to split orders in order to stay under certain dollar limits, subsequently lessening the competitive process.
Chaffey College Policies
District-established policies are adopted by the Governing Board. Any additions, deletions, or edits to these policies are also approved by the Governing Board. Visit our district policy page to learn more.
Our Path to Sustainability
Purchasing services will help the college to minimize the environmental impact without an overall increase in cost.
Step 1: Review Current Green Purchases
Request from vendors reports that determine how much of the College purchases are environmentally preferable products.
Step 2: Identify Alternatives
Assess the purchases to identify alternatives to the college's high volume purchases and prioritize decisions based on the priorities set forth by the policies set forth by the Governing Board.
Step 3: Buying and Contracting
Select from a range of products and services to achieve the purchasing objectives
Step 4: Revisit
Monitor the progress of the Purchasing practices by repeating the process. Incorporate industry best practices, methods and updated standards.
Reduce Waste
- Reduce, reuse and recycle paper
- Recycle cardboard from shipments
- Refill or recycle ink and toner cartridges
Reduce Fuel and Greenhouse Gases
- Consider ordering supplies in bulk (bi-weekly/weekly delivery, not daily)
Register as a Vendor
To register as a vendor for products and consulting/independent contractor services, please register on PlanetBids through our Chaffey College website. To register, access the District's PlanetBids Chaffey Vendor Portal: It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to maintain its contact information.
To register as a vendor for construction and public works CUPCCAA, please register on PlanetBids through our Chaffey College website. To register, access the District's PlanetBids Chaffey College Vendor Portal: and complete the prequalification section.
Solicitation Procedures
Salespersons and supplier representatives shall promote their merchandise through Purchasing. This does not preclude a department from requesting information directly from a vendor. Any department wishing to secure a product presentation or demonstration should invite a Purchasing Department representative to attend the presentation. This will expedite ordering.
Vendor Appointments
Appointments are required.
Contact Purchasing Services
Chaffey College
5885 Haven Ave.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
(909) 652-6701
Thank you for your continued business interest with Chaffey College.