Funding Overview

Charitable Gift Fund - MacKenzie Scott

Last update: August 21, 2024

Auxiliary Fund - Source 1489
As of June 30, 2024

Original MacKenzie Scott Gift 2020-21 $ 25,000,000
   Net Investment Income $ 2,105,493
Total Available $ 27,105,493


Director of Social Wellness and Behavioral Support
   Salaries & Benefits 2022‐23
$ (191,433)
Facilitation of 'Men of Color”
$ (50,000)
Campus Climate
$ (34,000)
Overcoming Barriers (Chaffey College Foundation 2022‐23)
   Community Partnerships
   Student Success Incentive
   Fueling Students Through

$ (100,000)
$ (600,000)
$ (300,000)
Student Services & Strategic Communications 2023‐24
   Student Survey Incentive

$ (1,886)

Net expenses

Total Available After Expenses

$ (1,277,320)

$ 25,828,173


Earmarked Funds Pending Auxiliary Board Approval:
   UndocuSuccess Student Fellowship
   Academic Senate Endowment
   From Enrollment to Employment Endowment
   Building FIERCE Spaces
   Chaffey College Trust

$ 1,000,000
$ 1,000,000
$ 2,000,000
$ 1,000,000
$ 20,000,000
Remaining Balance $ 828,173

*Charitable Gift Fund ‐ MacKenzie Scott were originally identified as the funding source for the facilitation of "Men of Color" and Campus Climate surveys; however, these funds were inadvertently charged to Student Equity Funds. The payments for these costs have since been corrected.


As of May 31, 2024

Original MacKenzie Scott Gift 2021 $ 25,000,000
Investment Income $ 1,940,248
Investment Fees $ (249,766)
Gift Balance $ 26,690,482


College Allocations/Disbursements

Men of Color/Climate Study
$ (35,500)
Student Survey Incentive
$ (1,040)
Director of Social Wellness and Behavioral Support
$ (191,433)
Overcoming Barriers (Foundation)
$ (1,000,000)
UndocuSuccess Fellowship Endowment
$ (1,000,000)
Academic Senate Endowment
$ (1,000,000)
From Enrollment to Employment Endowment
$ (2,000,000)

Building FIERCE Spaces

$ (1,000,000)
Chaffey College Trust
$ (20,000,000)
Summary of Allocations/Disbursements $ 26,227,973