The Faculty Lecture of the Year is a tradition at Chaffey College that began in 1969.  Faculty members are recognized for their exceptional contributions and scholarship.  College administrators, members of the Governing Board, and the lecturer's guest list are invited to attend, and all campus constituencies are welcome. 

Every academic year, the faculty elects a Faculty Lecturer. The Academic Senate invites nominations form all contract faculty and selects a colleague who will become the Lecturer for the following year.  The individuals who accept the nomination have their names put on a ballot and the faculty votes to determine the Faculty Lecturer for the upcoming year.

The chosen individual selects a topic for presentation to the campus community and receives one class reassigned during the upcoming year to research, write a paper, and prepare for the lecture/presentation.  The paper is published as a journal and distributed at the event. 

The Faculty Lecture event is highly valued at Chaffey College and draws attendees from all constituent groups.  People who often check out the replay of the lecture and go out of their way to find an opportunity to discuss it with the Lecturer.  This event allows the academic community to see the talent, dedication, and scholarly work that usually occurs behind closed doors.  The Lecturer is presented with a plaque by the President of the Academic Senate on behalf of the faculty.  Many of our Faculty Lecturers have been interviewed and highlighted in local and regional media. A photograph and brief biography are put in the college catalog. The Lecturer's name is also include on the perpetual plaque that hangs just outside the Academic Senate office in the Berz Excellence Building.  

This award is considered an honor by the faculty, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the vital role they play in shaping the academic landscape at Chaffey College.  

Faculty Lecturers of the Year

 Year Name/Discipline Title of Lecture
2024-2025 Angela Cardinale, English Finding Courage in Chaos: A Call for Transformation
2023-2024 Tara Johnson, Fashion Merchandising The Ethic of Love: The Holistic Approach to Building Community


Ava Nguyen, Communication Studies Racial Triangulation: At the Intersection of Anti-Blackness and Asian Hate
2021-2022 Michelle Dowd, Journalism

Breaking the Story: It's a Brave New World

2020-2021 Ryan Falcioni, Philosophy

Bending the Arc Towards Justice: Cultivating the Virtues of Global Citizenship

Ryan has put together some Resources to view.

2019-2020 Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Faculty Lecturer of the Year honor and event has been postponed and will be addressed upon the return to campus, so the Lecturer (Michelle Dowd) is able to accept the honor.
 2019-2020 Michelle Dowd, Journalism Breaking The Story: It's a Brave New World
2018-2019 Julie Song, Sociology The Relationship Between Technology Use and Social Interaction
2017-2018 Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Faculty Lecturer of the Year honor and event was postponed for one year, so the Lecturer was able to accept the honor.
2016-2017 Mary Jane Ross, Instructional Support The Ghost in the Closet
2015-2016 Robin Ikeda, Biology What Do You Think You Are? Identity in the Anthropocene
2014-2015 Marc Meyer, Anthropology Race Matters: Culture vs. Biology 
2013-2014 Joann Eisberg, Astronomy Are We Alone in the Universe? The Search for Another Earth
2012-2013 Peter Konovnitzine, Geography Russia in the 21st Century: A geographic perspective. Can the past predict the future?
2011-2012 Vera Dunwoody, Psychology Reality: What's That?
2010-2011 Joy Haerens, Business and Office Technologies Curiouser and Curiouser: Down Exploring the Rabbit Hole
2009-2010 Orville Clarke, Art History


2008-2009 Daniel Loomis, History

Cartoons, Psychological Warfare and World War II or Willy and Joe Get Drafted

2007-2008 Karen Lyman, Sociology and Gerontology

Lessons from the New China: Hutons to High-rises, Communism to Consumerism

2006-2007 Eva K. Rose, Communication Studies

Emotional Intelligence: A Social Radar to Communication Competence

2005-2006 Marie Boyd, Library

Clay Tablets to Flash Drives: Libraries, Technology and Human Values

2004-2005 Monica Carter, Political Science

The Formula for Connectivity: Relationship Preceding Information (Politics, Race & the Classroom)

2003-2004 Christine V. Flores, Counseling

Diamonds in the Rough: Empowering Students to Transform Their Lives

2002-2003 Bill Purkiss, Communication Studies

Signals Through the Flames...Resiliency Theory and Chaffey College

2001-2002 Gary Aurouze, Philosophy

Auschwitz and After: Moral Philosophy in the Shadow of Birkenau

2000-2001 Laura Hope-Aléman, English

The Ties That Bind: Exploring the Poetry of Mothers and Sons

1999-2000 Janice Clare Raithel, Art

The Magic of Her Mirror Expanding Identities in Self-Portraits by Women

1998-1999 Dale DesLauriers, Biology

Delusions of Self-Sufficiency

1997-1998 Andrew David E. Bixler, Environmental Studies and Ethics

The Courage to Be: View From an Island

1996-1997 S. Craig Justice, Economics

Fact, Fantasy and Faith in Economic Analysis: Is Economics Truly a Science? (no booklet)

1995-1996 Kathy Brindell, History

Holocaust Rescuers Remembered: Righteous Gentiles Who Embraced the Enemy Within

1994-1995 Cathie Keenan, Chemistry

Why Chemistry Should Be Required for All Disciplines

1993-1994 Maura O'Neill, Philosophy

On Being a Person of Passion in Academia

1992-1993 Muriel Zimmerman, Biology

The Biological Adaptiveness of Lying

1991-1992 Barbara Mitchell, History

The Ethics of Anarchosyndicalism or, How I  Quit Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb[ers]

1989-1990 Wayne Hubert, English

From "I" to "We": Individualism and Community in Contemporary Literature

1988-1989 James des Lauriers, Biology

Public Conflict Over Scientific Knowledge

1987-1988 G. Sidney Silliman, Political Science

The Politics of Reality

Between 1975 & 1987, the Faculty Lecturer honor lay dormant and was revitalized by Faculty Senate in 1987 to continue the tradition of academic excellence at Chaffey.
1974-1975 O. Stanley Waldrop, Psychology


1973-1974 Carol Sayles, Communication Arts

The Creative Self Versus the Myopic Self

1972-1973 Michael E. Malone, English

Shakespeare's World

1971-1972 Henry E. Childs, Jr., Biology

The Lemming Legend and the Capistrano Caper

1970-1971 Marlin L. Dickey, Geology

No Deposit, No Return

1969-1970 Felipe Cornejo, Spanish

Man and the World

1968-1969 Bea Rose, Philosophy

Who's Listening