
The selection of the Senate President shall follow the guidelines listed in Article V, Section 8 of the Senate Constitution.

The President is given 70 FTEF of reassigned time per year during their term of office.


  1. Shall carry out the duties of the Academic Senate as outlined in Title 5, Subsection 2, 53200.
  2. Shall represent the Academic Senate at official meetings of the Governing Board and serve as a resource person, or shall appoint a designee to do so.
  3. Shall preside over all meetings of the Academic Senate.
  4. Shall send to each member of the Senate a written notice of the scheduled date and time of meetings.
  5. Shall refer issues to the Senate for discussion and consideration.
  6.  Shall determine the agenda for each Senate meeting and include items suggested by any senator, any faculty member, any administrator, or any member of the governing board, as the President sees fit.
  7. Shall meet with the President and Executive Vice President of Instruction at regular intervals.
  8. Shall issue appropriate communiqués to the faculty.
  9. Shall attend committee meetings as designated by the Senate, including but not limited to Senate, Board meetings, College Council, Budget, and President's Cabinet.
  10. Shall attend additional committee meetings either as a member or an observer as circumstances require.
  11. Shall meet at regular intervals with the CCFA President to provide clarification and information on issues and to act, proforma, in a liaison capacity with the CCFA President.
  12. Shall disseminate information to the general faculty.
  13. Shall see that minutes are written and distributed prior to the following meeting. The next meeting's agenda should be included.
  14. Shall confer with the vice president/president-elect, secretary-treasurer, and curriculum committee chairperson to make decisions during off-contract days and provide a report to the full Academic Senate.
  15. The immediate past President shall be encouraged to attend Senate meetings for one year.

Selection Procedure
The Senate Vice President is nominated during the first year of the president's term and elected to serve during the first year of the President's term. They are elected for a one-year term from and by the new Senate membership at the organizational meeting.

Reassigned Time
The Vice President is given 10 FTEF reassigned time during their term of office. Should the Vice President be compelled to assume the duties of President (see 1 below), they shall receive compensation as specified in the current labor agreement or in a Memorandum of Understanding attached to it.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President if the President is absent or unable to fulfill them.
  2. Shall conduct elections of President elect, Senators-at-Large, Adjunct Senator, Faculty Lecturer of the Year, Professional Relations, and other contests as necessary following procedures described in the Faculty Senate constitution.
  3. Shall work with the president, secretary-treasurer, and curriculum committee chairperson.
  4. Shall provide appropriate leadership on campus in committee assignments.
  5. Shall continue their role as Unit Senator or Senator-at-Large.

Selection Procedure
The senate president-elect is nominated and elected to serve at the end of the first year of the President's term as provided in Article V, Section 8 of the senate constitution.

Reassigned Time
The president-elect is given 10 FTEF reassigned time as vice president during their term of office. Should the president-elect be compelled to assume the duties of president (see 2 below), they shall receive compensation as specified in the current labor agreement or in a memorandum of understanding attached to it.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Shall serve as president of the Academic Senate at the end of the vice president/president-elect's term.
  2. Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the president if the president is absent or unable to fulfill them.
  3. Shall conduct elections of president elect, senators-at-large, adjunct senator, faculty lecturer of the year, professional relations, and other contests as necessary following procedures described in the Faculty Senate constitution.
  4. Shall work with the president, secretary-treasurer, and curriculum committee chairperson.
  5. Shall provide appropriate leadership on campus in committee assignments.

Selection Procedure
The senate secretary-treasurer is nominated and elected for a one-year term from and by the new Senate membership at the organizational meeting.

Reassigned Time
The secretary-treasurer is given 10 FTEF reassigned time during their term of office.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Shall be responsible for writing and maintaining minutes and a permanent record of all Academic Senate meetings.
  2. Shall be responsible for maintenance and accounting of accounts.
  3. Shall work with the president, vice president and/or president- elect and curriculum committee.
  4. Shall continue their role as unit senator or senator-at-large.

Selection Procedure
The Academic Senate and college administration shall mutually agree on the selection of the curriculum committee chairperson. The term of office is two (2) years.

Reassigned Time
The curriculum committee chairperson is given 50 FTEF reassigned time during their term of office.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Philosophical Duties
    1. Shall provide leadership among units in an effort to develop a coordinated curriculum.
    2. Shall provide leadership in the development and planning of a college-wide curriculum.
    3. Shall take an active facilitative role in the development of innovative curricula.
    4. Shall oversee the updating of curriculum in relation to programs on campus.
    5. Shall review all documentation for Title 5 compliance, system office requirement, and              ccc academic senate good practices.
  2. Maintenance Duties
    1. Shall oversee the maintenance of the college curriculum.
    2. Shall plan, organize, and preside over Curriculum Committee meetings.
    3. Shall refer issues to the Curriculum Committee for discussion and consideration.
    4. Shall conduct periodic reviews of the college curriculum.
    5. Shall attend the following meetings:
      i.Academic Senate
      ii.Curriculum Committee
    6. Shall attend local and state committee meetings as circumstances are deemed appropriate and necessary.
  3. Committee Duties
    1. Shall determine agenda for each meeting of the committee.
    2. Shall see that minutes are written and distributed prior to the following meeting.
    3. Shall assemble and present new and revised course proposals to the committee for  approval during each curriculum cycle.
    4. Shall assemble and maintain a summary sheet of new and revised courses while committee deliberations proceed.

Selection Procedure
Each unit elects two faculty senators on staggered two-year terms as well as alternates for a two-year term using its own election procedures (see Article 5, Section 4). The terms of the unit senators are staggered to ensure continuity.

Reassigned Time
Unit Senators are given no reassigned time during their terms of office.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Shall represent the interests and concerns of their unit through regular attendance and participation at the Academic Senate meetings.
  2. Shall be responsible for communication of information from the Senate to their constituents. Senators should request to be placed on the agenda for the school/unit meeting at the beginning of each semester.
  3. Shall be assigned to participate on Senate committees and contribute to the formation of Senate policy, positions and recommendations.
  4. Should also participate in Senate sponsored activities and may represent Chaffey College Academic Senate to the statewide Academic Senate and/or other outside agencies.

Selection Procedure
The three senators-at-large are elected for staggered three-year terms by the entire faculty. Each year, the vice president and/or president-elect of the senate conducts an election for one of these positions.

Reassigned Time
Senators-at-large are given no reassigned time during their terms of office.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Shall represent the interests and concerns of the entire faculty through regular attendance and participation at the Academic Senate meetings. Should provide communication to units that may not have representation and request to be placed on the agenda for the school/unit meeting at the beginning of each semester.
  2. Shall be responsible for communication of information from the Senate to their constituents.
  3. Shall be assigned to participate on Senate committees and contribute to the format of senate policy, positions, and recommendations.
  4. Should also participate in Senate sponsored activities and may represent Chaffey College Academic Senate to the statewide Academic Senate and/or other outside agencies.

Selection Procedure
The adjunct senator-at-large is elected for a two -year term by the entire adjunct faculty as provided in Article V, Section 10 of the constitution.

Reassigned Time
The adjunct senator-at-Large is given no reassigned time during their term of office.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Shall represent the interests and concerns of the entire adjunct faculty through regular attendance and participation at the Academic Senate meetings.

  2. Shall be responsible for communication of information from the senate to adjunct constituents.

  3. Shall be assigned to participate on Senate committees and contribute to the format of senate policy, positions, and recommendations.

  4. Should also participate in senate sponsored activities and may represent Chaffey College Academic Senate to the statewide Academic Senate and/or other outside agencies.

Educational unit or school changes to the Academic Senate shall be proposed, reviewed, and approved by the Senate to align representation with school reorganization or formation of new campuses. (Constitution, Article IV Organization, Section 1).


Election Processes
Candidates running for office shall not be questioned nor shall they be involved in revising the election process. This process applies to the President-Elect, Unit, At-Large, Adjunct At-Large, and Faculty Lecturer of the Year Elections.


  1. All eligible faculty shall be notified of the opening of nominations by email. 
  2. Faculty may nominate other eligible faculty or themselves.
  3. Nominations shall remain open for seven (7) days.
  4. The senator/officer running the election shall confirm all nominees’ willingness to serve.
  5. Nominees for President-Elect must be full-time tenured faculty (Constitution, Article 5, Section 8).


  1. All nominees have the option of submitting a candidate statement after the close of nominations but prior to the day of election.
  2. President-Elect nominee statements shall not exceed 500 words and may be accompanied by a candidate flyer.
  3. Senator and Faculty Lecturer of the Year nominee statements shall not exceed 200 words.
  4. Other campaign materials are discouraged/not allowed without approval of the Vice President/President-Elect.
  5. Notice of the election shall be announced to the voting members by email.  This notice must include:
  6. Position being elected
  7. Names of candidates
  8. Where and when elections will take place
  9. The senator/officer running the election must ensure that all eligible voters may cast an anonymous ballot.
  10. All balloting must be in submitted in writing, email, form, software, etc.
  11. Balloting shall remain open for a specified amount of time, not less than seven (7) days, to allow voters to cast a ballot.
  12. Once polling has begun, no election procedure shall be altered without approval of the Vice President/President-Elect.

Counting the Ballots

  1. The senator/officer running the election shall submit results to the Vice President/President-Elect for recording.  Another faculty member may validate the count if a request is made to the Vice President/President-Elect. 
  2. Candidates should not be advised of the count.


  1. All election results shall be ratified by the Academic Senate.  Candidates will be informed of the results by the Vice President/President-Elect.

 Presidential Resignation Processes

  1. Presidential Resignation occurs, no President-Elect, and less than 60 school days remain in the term,
    1. The Vice President assumes the role of Acting President
    2. A new Vice President is elected from within the Senate
    3. Follow the existing practices to elect a President-Elect
    4. The winner will begin as President-Elect in the spring following the election
    5. The President-Elect will assume the office of President for the usual two-year term beginning July 1 following a one-semester as President-Elect

What follows is the suggested format for the agenda and minutes of each meeting.


  1. P.E. (12:30 P.M.)
  2. CALL TO ORDER (12:35 P.M.)
  3. PUBLIC COMMENT (Reserved for Guests only and limited to two minutes.)
    • Verification of elections
    • Approval of funding for events/occasions
    • Approval of Faculty representatives for committee service
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Secretary/Treasurer
    • Curriculum
    • Coordinators
    • Committee
    • Other
  13. ADJOURNMENT (1:50 P.M.)

The following are guidelines for the minutes of each meeting. The Senate minutes are a valuable and necessary record of meetings as they:

  1. are a record of business that has been completed.
  2. form a record of the issues with which the Senate has dealt.
  3. summarize the meeting for anyone absent or interested in the proceedings.
  4. facilitate continuity from meeting to meeting.

Therefore, the minutes should be clear, coherent, concise and accurate. This is normally the responsibility of the Academic Senate Secretary-treasurer.

What the Minutes Should Include

The minutes of the Senate are not a court record. Rather, they are a summary of what took place at each meeting. As such, specific dialogue is not necessary to record, nor are names necessary to mention except when an individual is the proponent of a motion, a resolution, or a significant course of action to be undertaken by the Senate. The Senate minutes should include information such as:

  1. members present or absent at each meeting.
  2. date of the meeting.
  3. exact time the meeting began and ended.
  4. President's report.
  5. Vice President's report.
  6. information items.
  7. synopsis of the discussion about each topic.
  8. motions made, seconded, and action taken.
  9. resolutions in their entire form.
  10. members who proposed and seconded a resolution.

Members Present:
Members Absent:
Alternates Present:
Visitors Present:

  1. P.E. (12:30 P.M.)
  2. CALL TO ORDER (12:38 P.M.)
  3. PUBLIC COMMENT (Reserved for Guests only and limited to two minutes.)
    • Verification of elections 
    • Approval of funding for events/occasions 
    • Approval of Faculty representatives for committee service
  10. REPORTS 
    • President 
    • Vice President 
    • Secretary/Treasurer
    • Curriculum 
    • Coordinators 
    • Committee
    • Other
  13. ADJOURNMENT (1:50 P.M.)
    The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by,

NAME, Recording Secretary

NAME, Secretary/Treasurer

The minutes of the Academic Senate meeting are customarily e-mailed to:

  1. All Faculty
  2. College President
  3. College Administrators
  4. CCFA President
  5. Governing Board members
  6. Student Government President
  7. Classified Senate President

The officially approved minutes shall be maintained in a permanent log in the Academic Senate office and posted on the senate website.