Student FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  • CPL can save you time and money on your educational path.
  • CPL can jumpstart your path to completing degrees and certificates.
  • CPL honors the knowledge and skills you obtained outside of a college classroom.

Please check the course index in the Chaffey College Catalog to see which courses are eligible. Any course in the catalog bearing the designation "Credit for Prior Learning: Yes" may be challenged for credit for prior learning with the consent of the instructor in the appropriate administrative unit and after admissions eligibility criteria are met.

Students can earn CPL through the following ways:

    • Achievement of a satisfactory score on an Advanced Placement (AP) examination.
    • Achievement of a satisfactory score on a high level International Baccalaureate (IB) examination.
    • Achievement of a satisfactory score on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).
    • Evaluation of Joint Service Transcripts (JST) Achievement of an examination administered by other agencies approved by the District.
    • Evaluation of industry recognized credential documentation.
    • Evaluation of student-created portfolios.
    • Satisfactory completion of an institutional examination, known as Credit by Examination, administered by the college in lieu of completion of an active course listed in the current college catalog.

There is one fee of $25 for Credit by Examination only. All other methods of CPL do not require a fee.

Please still contact one of the following emails to see what can be done.

  • For military credit, there is a cap of 15 elective units.
  • For all other methods of CPL, there is currently no cap of credits awarded.


Any credit awarded from other higher education institutions cannot be counted as CPL.

  • Meet degree requirements.
  • Waive prerequisites.
  • Replace a required course.
  • Substitute an optional course within the major.
  • CPL can be used for transfer as general credit, general education, and/or major requirements depending on transfer institution policy.Please note the CSU and UC Policies on CPL.


  • Units awarded via CPL cannot be counted toward the 12 units of residency for an Associate Degree.
  • Unit load requirements for Selective Service Deferment.
  • Veteran Benefits.
  • Social Security Benefits.
  • Criteria:
    • Have completed a current Chaffey College application.
    • Have identified an area of study.
    • Are not currently enrolled in the course to be challenged.
  • The course being challenged must be listed in the current Chaffey College Catalog with the designation "Credit for Prior Learning: Yes".
  • Students must present evidence of their prior experience as outlined in the How to Apply for CPL page.
  • Grading shall be according to the regular grading system in accordance with Administrative Procedure 4230 (Grading and Academic Record Symbols).
  • Students shall be offered a “Pass/No Pass” option, in accordance with Administrative Procedure 4232 (Pass/No Pass), if that option is ordinarily available for the course.

Students can accept, decline, or appeal decisions related to CPL as stated in Administrative Procedure 4230 (Grading and Academic Record Symbols) and Administrative Procedure 4231 (Grade Changes).

The student’s academic record is clearly annotated to indicate any credit granted for prior learning.