University of California

You may received guaranteed admission to six UC campuses through Chaffey's transfer admission guarantees. They are: Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz. You can learn more about application timelines and requirements through this UC transfer admission guarantee guide.

California State University

The Associate Degree for Transfer makes it easier for students like you to transfer from a California community college to a California State University campus. With this degree, you have the opportunity to complete two degrees with only 120 units if you apply and are admitted into a similar degree program. Learn more at

Historically Black Colleges and Universities

California community college students who complete certain requirements may receive guaranteed admission to 39 Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Requirements include completion of general education coursework and obtaining a transfer-level associate degree with a grade point average of at least 2.5. Students may also transfer to an HBCU from a UC or CSU campus with 30 or more units.

Arizona State University

California community college students who complete certain requirements may receive guaranteed admission to Arizona State University. Requirements include a high school diploma, 24 transferable units with a grade-point average of at last 3.0 or an associate's degree with a grade-point average of at least 2.5. Learn more about Arizona State University's guaranteed admission agreement.

Cal Baptist University

California Baptist University’s TAG program provides Chaffey College students guaranteed admission to CBU. Other benefits include coursework guidance, the option to transfer as long as one year after the last term of attendance, eligibility for scholarships. Learn more about Cal Baptist University's transfer agreement with Chaffey College.

University of La Verne

University of La Verne provides reduced tuition and and waives the application fee for Chaffey students who meet requirements under their guaranteed admission agreement. Students are required to complete 28 transferable units, have at least a 2.7 grade-point average and complete college-level English. Apply for the University of La Verne's TAG program.

University of Redlands - School of Business

Chaffey College students receive a 10 percent tuition discount through the University of Redlands' School of Business transfer agreement. Students are required to have completed 21 units and have a grade-point average of at least 2.0. Learn more about the University of Redlands' agreement with Chaffey.

Northern Arizona University

Northern Arizona University guarantees admission to California community college students who have completed transfer coursework with a grade-point average of at least 2.5 or earned an associate's degree with a GPA of at least 2.0.

National University

National University has developed a guaranteed admission program that benefits any student attending a California community college. Benefits include waived enrollment fees, scholarships and the last two courses of undergraduate study are paid for by National University.