Chat with DPS Counselors
DPS counselors are available for walk-in services when this icon
is displayed on their virtual cards below. Please note that walk-in services may
be limited to 15-minutes.
DPS Faculty
Types of Appointments Available
Students have the option to meet with a counselor in-person (requirements apply),
via video, or by telephone. Please read the following important information for each
type of appointment.
In-Person Appointment
(Rancho, Chino and Fontana)
- Students who attend an on-campus Counseling Appointment are highly encouraged to wear
a district-approved face coverings (3-ply surgical, K-95, or N-95 masks).
- Student is allowed to bring a guest to their meeting- however the amount of guests
are at the discretion of the DPS Counselor.
- By scheduling this appointment, you agree that you are not experiencing any cold/flu like symptoms and are certifying that if any symptoms arise
that you will reschedule your Counseling appointment to a phone or video appointment.
Online Video Appointment
Be prepared for the appointment as you would for an in-person appointment on campus.
- Be in a quiet and private place.
- Find a location where you will be able to communicate with the counselor effectively.
For your safety, driving during the appointment will not be allowed.
- No interruptions: do not answer phone calls, texts or surf the web during the appointment.
Give your full attention to the counselor.
- Have the proper technology setup including your webcam and microphone. Use Chrome
or Firefox as your browser.
Telephone Appointment
Be prepared for the appointment as you would for an in-person appointment on campus.
- A counselor will call the number you provided on the intake form within the first
five minutes of your scheduled appointment time.
- You will receive an incoming call from a private number. If your phone is set to block
calls from unknown or private numbers, please remove the block prior to your counseling
appointment so that the call will go through.
- It will be helpful for you to have access to the internet during our counseling appointment,
as we will be discussing online resources during the call.
Expectations for all appointments
Appointments and interactions with Counselors are intended for educational purposes
only. To ensure that we are engaging in a safe, secure and respectful atmosphere with
students, a counselor can end any counseling session at their professional discretion
if a student is being disrespectful, inappropriate or does not have proper online etiquette for
video, phone, in-person or chat sessions.
Scheduling a Counseling Appointment
Counseling appointments are scheduled in ConexED. If you are a Chaffey College student make sure that you select the Chaffey College
Student Icon. If you are not a Chaffey College student, make sure you select the Guest
Icon and create a guest account.
When making an appointment be sure to select the correct meeting location desired.
For In-person locations there are three locations available: Rancho, Chino, and Fontana
campus. Reference chart above for important information for each type of appointment
you are scheduling.
Important: Please use your student panther account as mentioned above to sign in when
making an appointment via ConexEd (Avoid using your account linked to your personal
email). This will ensure easy check-ins for in-person appointments and that all notes
are in one place for you.