On Thursday, March 13, Financial Aid will be closed from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.On Friday,
March 14, Financial Aid and Admissions and Records will close at 2:30 p.m.
On Friday, March 14, Financial Aid and Admissions and Records will close at 2:30 p.m.
Canvas- All distance education courses at Chaffey College are taught using Canvas, the college's
learning management system.
Online- The course takes place completely online in Canvas and all work is completed and
submitted online. Some online courses have required live meeting times, as displayed
in the course schedule. Online courses without required live meeting times will have
weekly work and deadlines.
Hybrid- The course takes place partially online and meets partially on campus; attendance
and participation in both are required. The on-campus portion will have required meeting
times, as displayed in the course schedule.
Log in to your MyChaffey portal
Select the Canvas link on the launch pad
Start participating in your course by selecting the desired course card off your Canvas
Don't panic, we are here to help! There may be a few reasons you cannot log in:
You may be attempting to access Canvas too soon. Students don't have access to Canvas
until two weeks prior to the start date of their course(s).
You recently added a distance education course via an add authorization. Students
who add a distance education course are given Canvas course access within two hours
of adding the course in MyChaffey portal.
If none of the reasons apply to you, please make sure to contact our help desk by
submitting a DE Support Ticket.
Online classes are attended exclusively on the Internet; there are no regular on-campus
meetings.However, many online classes do require specific meeting dates and times for specific online
activities. Instructors provide details of these and other requirements in the class
If you are enrolled in a hybrid course, there are required meeting dates. Please check
your course schedule, for information on meeting times and location.
Online Class Waitlist The waitlist process for online classes, prior to the beginning of the semester, is
the same as for face-to-face classes.
Online Class Add Process Students wishing to add an online class after registration closes or after the class
start date should email the instructor as soon as possible. The email to the instructor
should include the following information: student’s full name, student ID number,
position on waitlist (if applicable), and the name and section number of the course.
Faculty email addresses can be found on theemployee directorypage of the Chaffey College website.
Hybrid Waitlist and Add Process Students wishing to add a hybrid course should attend the first class meeting on the
day, time and location listed in the schedule of classes and on our online course
If you have received an add authorization from an instructor, please be sure to register
as soon as possible. You would register through MyChaffey using the "Self-Service Registration" link. If you have trouble registering, please
review our Self-Service Registration Instructions video, or contact one of our GPS Centers.
Attendance for an online course is established by your instructor. Make sure to read
through your course syllabus to understand the course attendance policy. If you have
questions about your attendance, please contact your instructor for more information.
Attendance can be a factor for an instructor to initiate a drop. It is important to
log in to your course as soon as possible on the course start date, read over the
syllabus and complete any required "check-in" activity. First day attendance should
be addressed somewhere in the course and/or within your course syllabus. If you have
any questions regarding attendance, please contact your course instructor.
California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative (OEI) has developed the
online student readiness tutorials, a series of interactive multimedia tutorials that
address the real challenges experienced by online students, new and experienced, while
pursuing success in online classes.
The goal of these tutorials is to assist California community college students with
developing the skills required to be successful in an online course. These tutorials
are excellent resources for all students taking online, hybrid or enhanced courses.
There are eleven courses in the series with the longest one being 12 minutes. The
link to the information page and videos can be found by selecting the following:Online Student Readiness Tutorials.