
parkmobile image students will find in parking lots for zone 6601

The Chaffey College Police Department has the authority through the Governing Board to issue traffic and parking citations on district property. Citations may be issued for violations of:

  1. Regulations set forth by the Governing Board
  2. California Vehicle Code

Campus police officers and cadets are authorized to issue citations based upon these regulations and are not authorized to grant any privileges deviating from the regulations.

Chaffey College, like most colleges, does not guarantee a parking space for all students during peak periods, nor does the college accept liability for damage sustained to vehicles in the use of its parking facilities. Please remember that our regulations are meant to protect vehicles from damage and insure the safety of all. Irresponsibility regarding traffic and parking regulations may result in a citation, restriction, suspension and/or towing of vehicle at the owners expense.

Your cooperation in adhering to the college’s regulations will reduce potential safety hazards and assist the campus police staff in performing their duties. Any questions regarding parking fees or campus parking rules and regulations should be directed to the campus police, (909) 652-6632.



Motorist Assistance

We are here to help you when you are on campus and have trouble with your car, such as retrieving keys from locked vehicles and jump starting dead batteries. Our staff is ready to lend a helping hand, free of charge. To summon our services, call campus police, 909- 652-6911.


Parking Permit Fees

Chaffey College will require parking permits for all faculty, staff, students and guests beginning with the start of the fall semester on August 12, 2024. 

Faculty/Staff (Primary Vehicle) - $0
Faculty/Staff (Secondary Vehicle) - $5
Student Auto - $30
Student Motorcycle - $10

For more information visit the Parking Permit webpage.

Parking permits are now available for order on the Permit Portal

Directions for ordering permit:

  • Select Log In
  • Select the ‘Chaffey College’ button (located at the bottom of the page)
  • Enter your Colleague credentials
  • Select ‘Buy Permit’
  • Select Permit Type ‘Staff’
  • Select ‘Individual’ in the drop down
  • Select ‘Buy’
  • You will be asked to enter in the address you wish to have your permit mailed to
  • Once your parking permit order is submitted, you will be able to download and print your temporary parking permit instantly
  • You should receive your staff permit within 2 weeks

Faculty and staff are highly encouraged to begin requesting their permits now before the fall semester begins.

For questions or concerns, please contact Chaffey Police Department at 909-652-6632.



 When you sell or change ownership of your vehicle, remove your permit and place it in the new vehicle. Damaged or malfunctioning permits should be returned to the campus police office. Authorization for a replacement permit will be granted for stolen permits upon completion of a police report. A processing fee will be charged. Replacement authorization is not granted for stolen permits unless a police report is made within 24 hours of the date of loss. Authorization is subject to approval by campus police administration.


Guest Parking

Authorized guest parking permits can be issued in advance by any department of Chaffey College.  Guest parking permits must be displayed on the driver’s side front dashboard, visible from the outside of the vehicle. Guest permits are not valid in staff, reserved or metered stalls.


Challenging a Parking Violation

  • Complete the parking violation appeal form and submit it to the campus police office. The law mandates this must be done within 21 days of the date of the violation. You will not be able to challenge the parking violation beyond this time and must pay the penalty with no other recourse available to you (Reference California Vehicle Code Section 40215). The results of the appeal will be mailed to you. 
  • If you wish to contest the results of the appeal, you must submit the penalty amount to Chaffey College and request an administrative review hearing before a hearing examiner. This may be done in person or by mail. You must serve a copy of the notice of appeal in person or by first-class mail to the issuing agency.
  • If you do not request an administrative review hearing with 21 days of the date the results of the appeal was mailed, the results become final (Reference California Vehicle Code Section 40215).
  • If you wish to contest the results of the administrative review hearing, you must seek a review by filing a Notice of Appeal (Parking Violation) with the Superior Court, County of San Bernardino in Fontana within 30 days of the administrative hearing disposition form being mailed to you. The current fee for filing is $25.
  • If a notice of appeal is not filed within 30 days of the date the administrative hearing disposition was mailed, the results of the administrative review hearing become final (Reference California Vehicle Code Section 40230).


Parking Citation Payment Plan


Chaffey College offers a parking citation payment plan to assist in the payment of outstanding parking penalties for citations issued on Chaffey Community College District facilities (Reference California Assembly Bill 503).


A registered owner (CVC 460, 505) or person responsible for vehicle citations received on Chaffey Community College District property shall be eligible to enroll in a payment plan [NOTE: hyperlink to attached PDF "request-citation-payplan"] when they have multiple unpaid parking citations.

  • Once this threshold is met, any citations associated with this vehicle, registered owner, or person responsible may be added to the payment plan, at the time of enrollment.
  • If additional citations are accrued during the payment plan period, the plan may not be modified to include these citations, nor will a concurrent payment plan be offered.
  • Citations in a payment plan will not count towards immobilization/tow/impound eligibility pursuant to CVC 22651(i)(l).
  • Once a vehicle is immobilized/towed/impounded due to other violations, all citations, including those on a payment plan, are immediately due pursuant to CVC 22651(i) (l)(C).

The fee to enroll in a payment plan is $25.

Applied late fees, as well as any late fees not yet applied, will be placed in abeyance while the payment plan is in place. If the individual adheres to the plan terms, these late fees will be waived once the payment plan is complete.

  • If an individual defaults on the payment plan, a subsequent payment plan will not be offered for those citations and any late fees placed in abeyance will be immediately reinstated. The total amount due, including all late fees, will be submitted to the appropriate Department of Motor Vehicles for a Registration hold on the vehicle. An Academic Hold will be placed on the Students records until the total fees are paid in full.
  • The request for a payment plan must be made before the citation is transferred to DMV for collection. (21 days after issue of the citation).

Once the payment plan is in place and the individual is adhering to its terms, an itemization of unpaid parking penalties and service fees will not be filed with the DMV (also known as a "DMV Registration Hold") and any DMV Registration Hold in place will be temporarily removed pending satisfactorily completing the payment plan.

At plan enrollment, an initial payment of $25 or 10 percent of the amount owed (whichever amount is greater), plus the $25 enrollment fee, is required.

 Payments must be made each calendar month.

  • There is no grace period for late payments.
  • For mailed payments, a postmark is acceptable to meet this requirement.


Payment plan duration

The first months' payment will be $25 or 10 percent of unpaid fines (whichever amount is greater) plus the $25 enrollment plan fee. Subsequent months' payments will be determined by dividing the remaining balance by four.



Late: The citation is past 21 days from issuance and 14 days from mailing of the reminder notice and additional fees may be applied.

Delinquent: The citation is unpaid. Late fees may or may not have been applied.

Person responsible: The individual who has opted to enter into the payment plan with the campus.


Traffic and Parking Regulations

This procedure is intended to promote safe and orderly movement of traffic within District property for the safe and orderly parking of vehicles and bicycles.

All applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code are expressly applicable both on and off paved roadways.

Parking of motor vehicles and bicycles is limited to specially designated areas. Fee permits are required. Vehicles or bicycles parked in violation of the provisions of this code are subject to fines, towing, or impoundment.

All persons who enter District-owned or operated property are charged with knowledge of the provisions of this procedure and are subject to the penalties for violations of such provisions.

In accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 21113, the District will enforce this procedure by issuing citations.


General Information

Any questions regarding parking fees, campus parking rules and regulations should be directed to the campus police office at (909) 652-6632.


Traffic Regulations

  1. All vehicles parked on grounds owned or operated by the Chaffey Community College District shall clearly display a current semester parking permit or daily parking pass receipt on the lower driver side windshield facing outward with the number of the permit clearly visible. A sticker or receipt in any other area of the vehicle is a violation and subject to citation. Parking is enforced Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Jeeps, motorcycles and vehicles with convertible tops should contact the campus police office.
  2. No parking is allowed in any area that does not have a clearly marked parking stall.
  3. No person shall park in an area, posted or marked for “Disabled Parking Only”, unless a valid state issued disabled person placard and a current student parking permit is displayed on the vehicle.
  4. No student or staff member shall park a vehicle in a stall that is posted or marked as visitor or guest or any other marked or reserved stall.
  5. Painted curbs are an indication of restricted parking and the color of the curb denotes the type of parking allowed as follows:
    • Red zone - Indicates no parking or stopping anytime
    • Yellow zone - Indicates an area for loading and unloading of freight not to exceed a 30 minute time limit. Vehicles exceeding the posted time limit will be cited
    • Green zone - Indicates time limit parking. Time limits shall be posted. Vehicles exceeding the posted time limit will be cited.
    • Blue zone - Indicates disabled person parking. Vehicles not displaying a valid State issued Disabled Person Placard or Chaffey College Disabled person permit will be cited.
  6. No person shall sleep in or remain overnight in any vehicle parked on grounds owned or operated by the District.
  7. No person shall abandon, or leave standing any vehicle or motorized cycle on the District premises for 72 or more consecutive hours without permission of the Campus Police Office. Violations will result in vehicle removal and storage under authority of the California Vehicle Code.
  8. Vehicles parked in any stall marked or posted STAFF without the proper permit shall be cited.
  9. No person shall leave any animals or minor children unattended in a vehicle.
  10. Parking in metered parking areas requires the payment of the correct fee as posted. Parked vehicles that have exceeded the metered time limit are in violation of this regulation.
  11. All vehicles parked on campus must be currently registered with DMV and have proper display of license plates.
  12. Any vehicle found displaying a parking permit that has been reported lost or stolen will be cited for possession of such a permit.
  13. No person shall park in a manner occupying more than one marked parking stall.
  14. No person shall park in a posted No Parking Zone.
  15. Parked vehicles exceeding the time or date limit on any permit are in violation of parking regulations.
  16. No vehicle shall park on, across or in front of any ramp.



References: Education Code Section 76360;

Vehicle Code Sections 21113 and 40220(a)(1)(D) Approved: 5/15/12