A Message From The Chief

Chief GriffinChaffey College Community:

As your Chief of Police, I want to express my support for all the important work being done by the dedicated staff, faculty, and all students.  It is an honor to be your Chief of Police, serving our diverse college community. As your department head, I am committed to ensuring our police department follows all aspects of principled policing, including the four tenets: voice, respect, neutrality, and trustworthiness.

Chaffey College Police Department (CCPD) is dedicated to campus safety. We are committed to working closely with our college community to provide a safe and secure environment for all. Whether it is through community policing initiatives, emergency response planning, or working with the college administration to address any safety concerns, CCPD is always here to support you. 

Our main focus is student success which is outlined in our department motto; “Service Through Education”. We also are committed to supporting mental health. We understand the current climate can be stressful and challenging for many students, and we are committed to supporting initiatives which promote these values and encourage students to reach their full potential. In the event of a mental health crisis, our officers are trained in crisis response, and we work closely with our college mental health professionals and local mental health organizations to provide support and resources for those in need. 

I encourage you to reach out to my office if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to serve you, and together we can make our community a safer, more successful, and healthier place for all. I believe it is more important than ever for our police department to be transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of the college community and I am proud to stand with you in this endeavor.

Officers are available 24/7 to assist in any situation by calling (909) 652-6911. For business-related issues, please call (909) 652-6632 or stop by the Chaffey College Police Department adjacent to the bookstore and say hello.


Steven J. Griffin
Chief of Police, Director of Public Safety
Chaffey College


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