President's Update


A Message from Superintendent/
President Shannon

Henry D. Shannon

Dear Chaffey College and Community Members,

It is the season of new beginnings and at Chaffey College we have been embracing the excitement and energy that graduation season brings. This time of year is always special, as we get to partake in numerous celebrations that recognize hard work and achievement.

Chaffey College’s class of 2024 earned about 3,300 degrees and certificates this year. At our 107th commencement ceremony on May 16, we filled up an entire arena full of family, friends and community members to witness 2,300 Chaffey Panthers become graduates. During the ceremony, we were also graced by best-selling author Reyna Grande, who delivered an inspiring keynote address about turning struggles into success.

Getting to witness each student come on stage to receive their degree or certificate never gets old. Graduation symbolizes not only knowledge gained, but personal growth and resilience. Whether you participated in or attended Chaffey’s commencement, a high school graduation or even a kindergarten promotion, know that every milestone is important and worthy of celebration!

At Chaffey College we are gearing up for Summer Term which begins June 3. Students can choose between 3 sessions offered: First 6 Week, 8-Week, Second 6-Week. View summer class schedules and class offerings here. Students can also register now for Fall Term, which begins August 2.

I want to take an opportunity to thank all those who made the 2023-24 academic year a success – thank you to our Governing Board, executive leadership, faculty and staff for all your contributions and all that you do for our students.

We have much to look forward to!

Go Panthers!

Henry D. Shannon, Ph.D.