Leave Information
The following is information on leave for various types of employees.
Adjunct (Part-Time) Faculty
Sick leave accrues in hours at the end of each semester.
Per the bargaining agreement (applies to overload sick leave as well):
14.2.2 For hourly assignments, bargaining unit members earn sick leave benefits on
the basis of total contact hours multiplied by a factor of 0.0834 for each assigned
section or noninstructional service provided per semester. For hourly assignments,
absences shall be recorded in half-hour increments.
Full-Time Faculty
Applies to both tenure-track and temporary contract.
Sick leave is earned for the contract assignment in days and for overload assignments
in hours. Amount shown in the contract sick leave earned column resets to the new
accrual each academic year. Accruals for the contract sick leave days accrues at
the beginning of the academic year and overload sick leave hours post at the end of
the semester. For further details, see the CCFA bargaining agreement.
Management, Confidential, and Classified Contract
Amounts shown in the earned column reset annually. Vacation earned resets on a calendar
year (will show as 0.00 in January), annual accruals such as sick leave and floating
holiday earnings reset every fiscal year. Leave earned and used is posted by payroll
before the end of the following month.
Child Development Center (CDC) Teachers
Sick leave is earned in days and is posted at the beginning of the academic year.
Amount shown in the contract sick leave earned column resets to the new accrual each
academic year.
Short-Term Workers
This group accrues leave each pay period based on the hours worked.
In accordance with AB 1522, paid sick leave:
- Accrues at the rate of one hour per every 30 hours worked beginning from the first day of employment if an employee works for 30 or more days within a year;
- Shall carry over to the following year of employment and is capped at 48 hours;
- Is available for an employee to use beginning on the 90th day of employment; and,
- Is paid at the employee’s regular wage rate.
For More Information
Full leave language pertaining to faculty, staff, management, and CDC teachers can be found in the bargaining agreements or plans listed below.