Description: Computer screen, My Chaffey Sign in
SPEAKER: Welcome to the
Chaffey Print Shop online ordering system. To reach the site, please
go to Upon arriving, you
will be asked to log in with your MyChaffey ID-- as seen on this screen.
Description: White and red box
This will be your
standard Chaffey portal log in and password.
Description: New screen, six squares in the center
After logging in,
you'll be taken to the Index page of the new
Chaffey Print Shop portal. Each choice here will take you
directly to an ordering form or to the catalog
to browse items to be ordered and printed.
Description: Top left box
For forms, please
click the Forms button. Then find the form you wish to
order, either by searching here
Description: New screen, several different forms
in the upper left
corner or scrolling through the list of forms.
Description: Chooses 100 from drop down
Select the quantity
you wish to order. And then click Add
and this item will be added directly to your cart.
Description: Clicks Add button under form and quantity box
To return to the Home
page where the buttons are, please click the Home
button in the upper right corner.
Description: Returns to Forms page, clicks middle top box.
For business cards, click on
the Business Cards button.
Description: New screen, fillable boxes and preview
And you'll be taken
directly to the form to fill out and create
a business card.
Description: Brian Decker selected as profile. Types the word "President" in box midway down screen labeled "Title."
As you type in information,
the business card on the right will be filled in to represent
the data you have entered.
Description: Preview of business card with Chaffey logo appears with Brian's information. Types in other fields
Fill in as much or
as little information as you need to produce the card
that you're seeking to have produced by our Print Shop.
Description: Scrolls up and down showing fields
Select a backer, if necessary. And you can view that
backer by clicking
on the Backside
button [INAUDIBLE]back has been selected for
this particular print job.
Description: Preview switches to back view, appointment card
Upon completing the
customization, click Checkout.
Description: Clicks red button under preview.
Description: Pop up appears, Provide confirmation of this proof, clicks check mark next to I approve this order and the layout shown. Two buttons, Cancel, Accept Proof
You will need to validate the
information you have entered into the system to ensure its
correctness prior to continuing on with the print service. Please wait for the
system to fully show your proofs before continuing.
Description: Front and back of card appear
Click Accept Proof to
continue to the Shipping page.
Description: Clicks red Accept Proof button. New screen, Shipping page. Please select quantities for your items. Drop downs with numbers.
On the Shipping page, you
can click Add More Products to return to the catalog or
click the Home button to return to the Index page with the
large buttons for print orders. Envelopes and letterhead
work in a similar process to the business cards.
Description: At home page, lower right box
Print request in
wide format items have a slightly separate
workflow process.
Description: Lower left box
We're going to click on
the Print Request item so you can see this process.
Description: Upper right box. New screen, imprint information, quantity, size
On the Print Request
page, enter the quantity that you wish to order. Select a size. Then enter the number
of pages in the file for this particular order. It's important
that you accurately enter the number of pages
so that we can correctly verify the file that you're
going to upload later in this process.
Description: Selects ink, paper type and color
Select the features
of this print shop that you wish for the Print Shop
to use and then click Continue. This includes selecting
finishing by clicking Yes, Finishing and then
selecting your finishing. One issue to note-- if you only have one
original in your file, our system does not allow you
to select double-sided printing. To allow for
double-sided printing, your original must have at
least two originals in the file that you're uploading. Once you change the
number of originals, you'll see the two-sided options
are now available to you.
Description: 2-sided appears in Ink dropdown
Once you have configured
the item for print, go ahead and click Continue.
Description: Clicks red button at bottom of screen. New screen, imprint information. Fillable boxes on left, preview on right.
Please ensure you select
an accurate shipping date. And remember to give the
Print Shop enough time to actually produce your
order prior to submission.
Description: chooses date on calendar
We usually recommend
at least two days to give the Print Shop
time to produce the item.
Description: Clicks Upload Artwork box
You can then upload your
artwork using the file uploader in order to send that particular
file to the Print Shop.
Description: Job description drop down box
Enter a job description and any
additional special instructions you have for the Print Shop.
Description: Goes back to previous page
I need to reduce
the number of pages so I can continue, in
this particular case. To make changes, you can
click the Back button and you'll be brought back
here to make those changes.
Description: Makes change from 10 pages to one, then goes to imprint information page. Again selects date from calendar and clicks File upload, a box with an encircled up arrow. List of files pops up over screen. Scrolls through screen and selects one called uploads, selects PDF labeled Product Sheets
I will now be uploading a one
page sheet for the Print Shop to produce.
Description: List of files closes. Bar appears across File Upload box to track upload progress.
Once uploaded, you will see
a small thumbnail, as well as a large preview to the right. You can rotate this particular
item using the Rotation buttons, if desired. Or you can scale
the item if you want to only print a specific
portion of the order.
Description: Types in Job Description box, Test, Do Not Print
Job description,
special instructions will help the Print
Shop to correctly print the job on your behalf. Once again, you will
need to accept the proof and validate that
what you have uploaded is the correct file
prior to proceeding.
Description: Box, Provide Confirmation of this proof. I approve this order and the layout shown. Cancel or Accept
On the Shipping page,
please ensure you into your budget code into
the box as you see here.
Description: In the middle of the page, a string of five small boxes
The Print Shop only allows for
local delivery at this time. We also request that you
enter a specific time that the order is needed by. And verify the shipping date
is correct on the Ship Need By Date field.
Description: Enters time and date from calendar
Please choose a building.
Description: Chooses from drop down
And enter your department.
Description: Types "Music" in department box
Your school or office
can also be entered. And if this is designed for
someone other than yourself, please go ahead and put their
name into the Attention field. Otherwise, leave
it at the defaults.
Description: Clicks red review order button at bottom
Clicking the Review Order button
will give you one last chance to review the order
and ensure everything is correct prior to submittal.
Description: New screen, review order. Scrolls through order information
If you need to make changes,
please click on the Shopping Cart to return to
the Shipping page and start the
checkout process over.
Description: Clicks red Continue button at top
By clicking Continue
on the Shipping page, this will take you back
in to the Basket page. And this will take you back
into the checkout process, to update you on anything you
need to update on this page.
Description: Clicks Review Order page at bottom of screen
We're going to return to
Review page one last time.
Description: Scrolls to bottom of screen
Once you're ready
to send the order,
click the Send Order
button and you'll
be taken to the final page of
the ordering process, where you
will be displayed
the order number
and any additional
information the Print Shop
wishes you to know.
Additionally, you
will receive an email
with a confirmation
of all the details you
have selected for this order.
Thank you for watching this
video on the Chaffey Print
Shop ordering system.