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Sheila Malone
While COVID-19 has closed the curtain on some college theater productions, Chaffey College Professor of Theater Sheila Malone has used the pandemic as an opportunity to give her students skills beyond the stage.
The Governing Board for the Chaffey Community College District announced its officers for 2020-2021 at its regular meeting on July 23.
Chaffey biology students can't come to campus to do lab experiments due to COVID-19, so the college decided to bring the "lab" to them.
Supreme Court
We realize the tremendous impact the Supreme Court’s (5-4) ruling to reject the attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has over so many members of our Chaffey College community. Chaffey College supports all of its students, faculty and staff regardless of their immigration statuses or where they were born.
The U.S. Supreme Court building
We recognize the significance of the Supreme Court's (6-3) ruling today that LGBTQ+ employees are protected from job discrimination. At Chaffey College, we believe diversity is our biggest strength and we condemn discrimination of any kind.
Wignall Staff
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, the Wignall Museum has embraced the shift to online. The transition has shown artists that the virtual world provides a new way to showcase art and exposes them to a larger audience. It also showed students how to be versatile in the face of challenging circumstances.
Chaffey College's marketing and public relations staff have earned 16 awards in state and national competitions since March in advertising, writing and graphic design.
Dr. Henry Shannon
We are in the midst of history repeating itself before our very eyes. Since the beginning of the year, we are once again experiencing what our society endured with the 1918 Spanish Flu, the 1929 Great Depression, the 1968 Civil Rights era and the 1992 Los Angeles riots.
Lauretta Jones
Lauretta Jones never gave up on her childhood dream to study anthropology in college and in May received an associate's degree in anthropology, a general education degree and a certificate from Chaffey College.