Student Services Update

July 31, 2024

Dear Campus Community:

As we prepare for the fall term, the College remains focused on implementing new and innovative ways to regain lost enrollment, enhance student programming, streamline student experiences, and offer students more spaces to gather. Such planning has resulted in several changes to our Student Services area regarding administrative roles and physical spaces. These adjustments are designed to connect resources and services more strategically, umbrella student life and cultural programming, and tap into our leaders’ strengths in the areas they serve.

This fall, by August 1, 2024, the following personnel changes will occur in Student Services:

  • Executive Director of Student Life, Equity, and Engagement: Albert Rodriguez will oversee student life programming and International Students while continuing to lead equity, the Center for Culture and Social Justice (CCSJ), Panther Care, Veterans, and the PRISM Center. Two new positions have been developed to support this area and enhance student engagement and belonging. These include:
    • Director of Cultural Programming and Belonging 
    • Director of Student Activities

  • Acting Executive Director of Student Support Services: Tomeika Carter will provide administrative oversight to Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, Student Health Services, Mental Health Services, and the Behavioral Intervention Team. Additionally, she will lead and conduct Student Discipline, Student Complaints, Title IX, and Grade Grievance processes. During this time, Susan Hardie will oversee Human Resources. Recruitment will also begin for the following position:
    • Director of Admissions and Records

  • Executive Director of Enrollment Services and Student Retention: Janeth Rodriguez will continue to lead Dual Enrollment, Outreach, Chaffey College’s First Year Experience Program, Digital Integration and Innovation, Government Relations, and the Student Support Teams Model. Additionally, Janeth will create and launch the College’s new First-Generation Student Success Program.
    • Director of Outreach, Retention, and Dual Enrollment Support: Ruth Ann Valencia will lead operational efforts to bolster these key areas.
  • Interim Dean of Academic and Career Counseling:  Alisha Serrano is currently leading this area. Academic and Career Counseling will now include the Transfer and Career Center. A recruitment will soon open for the Director of Transfer and Career.

This fall, by August 1, 2024, the following physical relocations will take place:

  • Disability Programs and Services (DPS) will move to the current Center for Culture and Social Justice (CCSJ) location. The move will allow the DPS team to be closer to general and EOPS counseling, and will also provide DPS students with more accessible access to student support areas, such as Admissions and Financial Aid.
  • The CCSJ will then move to the current DPS location. This move will allow cultural programming to be adjacent to Student Life, resulting in a more robust campus life in the Quad and Shade Structure areas. The indoor and outdoor space is also larger, which is needed to benefit more of our students.

Please see the attached organizational chart for Student Services and the map that illustrates these moves. All new and vacant management positions will be recruited for in the near future. Once this is implemented, we will be taking a hard look at how to enhance student life at Chino and Fontana, as well.

I am excited about the future we are forging for our students. I appreciate every person’s cooperation as we make these important transitions for the fall term. This month, a series of meetings were held with all involved employees and their respective areas, as well as with the Academic Senate President and President Elect and the Classified Senate President, to ensure clear communication was conducted regarding this plan. Thank you all for working with us to make this happen. I also want to thank Maintenance and Operations and IT for their hard work moving and preparing these areas under a tight timeline. It takes all of us to make meaningful differences!


Thank you,

Henry D. Shannon, Ph.D.
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