Your successful Chaffey Academic and Career Community (ACC) experience is guaranteed to deliver a supportive community to ensure your well-being, effective academic pathways to ensure your program completion, and innovative career learning to ensure a better life for you and your family. 

We’re designing guided pathways through academic programs to integrate student services and instruction — creating a cohesive student experience that facilitates goal completion. 

Guided pathways provide structure that ensures the most efficient journey to graduation. They include: 

on ramp graphicOn-ramp processes to help students begin their college experience

Intake graphicIntake processes, like Academic and Career Communities, to help students clarify college and careers goals

course sequences graphicIntentional course sequences with clearly defined career and academic milestones

network graphicEmbedded counseling, academic support, and proactive feedback on student progress throughout their educational journey

The community structure fosters connections among students with similar career interests and course work. The Academic and Career Community structure consist of three parts: 

  1. The structure provides academic pathways that develop critical skills and knowledge needed for a successful future across a spectrum of disciplines.  
  2. The structure engages career aspirations by helping students explore potential career pathways, develop and enhance employability skills, and connect to thriving wage jobs. 
  3. Finally, the structure builds community for students by addressing their wellbeing, connecting them with support, and creating a sense of belonging at Chaffey. 

academic,career community grad image

Academic and Career Communities are: 

  • Collections of academic majors that have related courses. 
  • Clusters groups of degrees and certificates that are considered similar from a student’s perspective. 
  • Opportunities for incoming/new students to explore within a cluster of academic and career pathways while still making progress to transfer and graduation. 
  • The college-level ‘inner circle’ designed to create a strong ‘sense of belonging’ for all students. 


For more information regarding Chaffey’s Academic and Career Communities visit the ACC webpage.