Each year the Chaffey College Foundation awards scholarships to deserving students. In 2022-2023 the Chaffey College Foundation awarded over 1,000 scholarships, totaling $570,070. 

The Chaffey College Foundation facilitates a variety of scholarship awards including merit-based, discipline/major, academic, sports and community service; for which students are able to apply each semester. Many scholarships come to the Foundation through members of the community, college faculty and staff, service groups, schools, cities, districts and corporations both annually or to establish endowments. The Fund-A-Dream scholarship, established by former Foundation Board president Ruben Estrada, is a principal award stewarded by the Foundation. 

The gift of $1,000 creates a Fund a Dream scholarship which provides support to a Chaffey College student for three consecutive semesters. This powerful scholarship provides the funds necessary for a student to pay fees and books for an entire academic year, increasing retention and success to graduation. Over 80% of Chaffey College students rely on some form of financial aid or scholarship to achieve their academic goals. 

To Fund a Dream, contact the Chaffey College Foundation at (909) 652-6545, email Heather Parsons at Heather.Nishioka@chaffey.edu, or donate through our fundraising website.


“Funding dreams one student at a time”



“Since being recently named a recipient of the Fund-A-Dream Scholarship, my dreams are starting to peak above the horizon; soon becoming a reality. I am glad to have this precious opportunity to thank you personally for your blessings and generosity. Without donors like you, there would be plenty more monetary obstacles that students endure throughout our academic journey.”
-Tammara N. Diaz