Purpose: To identify the professional development needs of the classified professionals, prioritize those needs, and provide ongoing professional development opportunities to address the identified needs.
Scope: Identify needs of classified professionals to expand, enhance, and strengthen existing abilities, skills, and knowledge.
Reports to: Dean, Instructional Support
Terms of Office: One year committee appointment that can be renewed annually.
Co-Chairs: Jackie Carmona and Vicky Valle
Members: Jackie Carmona, Saba Kazmi, Elisa Lewis, Eva Ramirez, Alisha Serrano, Vicky Valle, Sharon Awad, Ruben Flores, Candice Brock.
Meeting day and time: The committee meets on the second Tuesday of every month from 10 to 11 a.m. in SSA 208. The committee may meet more often if needed.
Comments: Classified Success Network Website