Reading has been a huge part of your college experience so far, but what if you had the opportunity to read a specific book at the same time as the rest of your classmates? What if all of your professors and staff members on campus read the same book too?
Chaffey College offers the campus community this unique reading experience through a program called "One Book, One College."
(image credit: Raylene de la Torre, 2019)
Each year, students, faculty, staff and administrators select and read a common book and many instructors incorporate the "College Book" into their courses. The One Book, One College Committee holds a series of free events to encourage college-wide conversation, creativity and community surrounding the book. We've had film screenings, food tastings, guest speakers, faculty lectures, family programming, marathon book readings, essay contests, dialogues, live performances, blogs, art exhibitions, forays into the local community and much, much more.
The program receives support through employee contributions, the associate superintendent of instruction and institutional effectiveness, the School of Language Arts and the Chaffey College book store. Chaffey College collaborates with many on- and off-campus organizations through "One Book, One College" including professional development, Ethics Across the Curriculum, the Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art, student clubs, local bookstores and other organizations and businesses.
One Book, One College:
- Engages students, faculty, staff, administrators and community members in conversation
- Connects all areas of Chaffey College through events and activities
- Motivates readers to share diverse viewpoints on a single book
- Exposes students to the joy of reading, while improving their critical reading and thinking skills
- Provides faculty and staff with an opportunity to showcase their expertise and passion for education
Please participate by joining the committee, helping with events and/or promoting
the College Book. Contact Daniel Keener (, (909) 652-8039) or Bonnie Khaw-Posthuma (, (909) 652-6940) with questions.
To nominate a book you would like to teach or discuss, please complete the online nomination form.
Ideal College Books have broad appeal that makes them useful in a variety of classes. Price and length are factors, as are the types of events the book makes possible.
The information provided in this form will be sent to the Chaffey College One Book One College Committee. Please provide as much information as possible.