Federal Work Study

One of several federal student aid programs offered through the Financial Aid Office. FWS is a need-based federally funded part-time employment program, which allows eligible students to earn money to help pay for education expenses. In addition to providing financial assistance, FWS also helps students gain valuable work experience while pursuing a college education. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year to be considered for federal student aid, including FWS funding.

For questions about eligibility for the Chaffey College Federal Work-Study program, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

CalWORKs Work-Study

The CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) Work-Study program aims to connect eligible CalWORKs students with entry-level employment opportunities. The focus is to provide work opportunities that develop and/or strengthen workplace skills while the students complete their educational goals. Funding for the CalWORKs Work-Study program can vary from year to year and position placements are re-evaluated regularly. When funding is available, and a qualified student is identified to fill an opening, CalWORKs funding covers a percentage of wages  on average 75% (with the employing department providing the remainder). Departments that may be interested in employing a CalWORKs Work-Study student employee should contact the CalWORKs department directly to inquire about the current availability of funding and to discuss potential placements.

For questions about eligibility for the CalWORKs Work-Study program, please contact Cacey Douglas at (909) 652-6049 or cacey.douglas@chaffey.edu

NextUp Work-Study 

NextUp Work-Study is a new opportunity which aims to connect eligible NextUp (qualified foster youth) with entry-level employment opportunities. The focus is to provide work opportunities that develop and/or strengthen workplace skills while the students complete their educational goals. Funding for the NextUp Work-Study program can vary from year to year and position placements are re-evaluated regularly. When funding is available, and a qualified student is identified to fill an opening, NextUp funding covers a percentage of wages, on average 75% (with the employing department providing the remainder). Departments that may be interested in employing a NextUp Work-Study student employee should contact NextUp directly to inquire about the current availability of funding and to discuss potential placements.

For questions about eligibility for the NextUp Work-Study program, please contact Cacey Douglas at (909) 652-6049 or cacey.douglas@chaffey.edu

Where Will I Work?

There are a variety of on-campus jobs available through the work-study programs. Chaffey College offices and departments hire students to provide services such as clerical support, reception, lab assistance, food service, cashiering, and peer advising.

Am I Guaranteed A Position?

Obtaining a work-study position can be a competitive process. Applicants are considered for positions based on their level of skill and their abilities to perform the required job duties. Also, due to a limited number of available positions throughout the campus, not all who are eligible for a  work-study award will be able to secure employment in the program. The application is submitted and eligibility is verified by the Student Employment Office and the hiring department interviews and selects their employee.