On Thursday, March 13, Financial Aid will be closed from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.On Friday,
March 14, Financial Aid and Admissions and Records will close at 2:30 p.m.
On Friday, March 14, Financial Aid and Admissions and Records will close at 2:30 p.m.
Henry D. Shannon, Ph.D., Superintendent/ President: In my career,
I've attended more than 100
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Henry D. Shannon, Ph.D., Superintendent/
President: In my career,
I've attended more than 100 graduation ceremonies. Some are the same. Others are a bit unique. All are emotional and beautiful. If I had to tell you the
most beautiful commencement ceremony I have
seen, I would say it would have to be one of
our Turning Point graduations. Since its inception,
more than 3,000 courses have been taken by
men and women who are spending time in prison,
learning and improving themselves for the
day when they are able to return to
our communities and work for us again. At Chaffey College, we have
awarded approximately 170 degrees and certificates
to Turning Point students.
name is Michelle Payne. I'm 42 years old, and
I'm a single mother. I attended college at UC
Riverside from 1995 till 1998. My first year at UCR
went pretty strong. My grades were OK. My second year, I got
in kind of a party life. I wasn't attending
class on a regular. I thought I was above it, and I
let that overconfidence really destroy me. After I got dismissed from
the university in 1998, I went back home, and I
started making bad choices. I was partying more, and it
was kind of depressing for me. I made choices, and
somebody lost their life due to the choices that I
made, so I felt like a failure. I felt ashamed. I felt guilt. I knew somewhere in
me that there was good and that I was
capable of doing so. Chaffey College gave me that
platform inside the prison setting, and it really
helped me change my mindset. It might not seem like much,
but just getting a A back on a essay, the
small accomplishments is what helped me build
my confidence back up. If it wasn't from the Turning
Point program at Chaffey College, I wouldn't have
known how much of an impact that I could make for
myself and other people. I paroled July 27,
2015, and at that point, I came back to Chaffey College. I received my AS in
accounting, and I was able to transfer to
Cal State San Bernardino. I just graduated with a
bachelor's in administration concentration in
accounting, and I'm also in my master's program
for accounting. I got offered a position
as a associate auditor in a local CPA firm, and
I've accepted that position. Turning Point is that catalyst
that can help a person see the good in
themselves, to see that they're capable of
accomplishing things. People are coming out
from incarceration with degrees because of
the Turning Point program. So I would say please, keep
investing in the program. Keep investing in
mothers and husbands and fathers and
sisters and brothers. People can change,
and the support that the EOPS counselors show,
the Turning Point program, the Chaffey College on-campus
students sending planners in to the women,
those little planners meant the world to a participant
in the Turning Point program. I couldn't wait to
get my day planner to fill it with my little
stickers in the back. I could put it on my calendar
knowing I have an exam. I felt like a student. I felt like I was a Panther. I felt like I was a Panther.
Our primary goal is to provide support for formerly or currently incarcerated students
through our Rising Scholars program. We understand that system-impacted can also be
a person who has been legally, economically, or familiarly affected by the criminal
justice system. Students with close relatives that have been incarcerated, or students
that have been arrested and/or convicted without incarceration are eligible to receive
We are committed to empowering Panthers who are formerly or currently incarcerated
or have been impacted by the criminal justice system by providing key resources to
support them on their educational journey. We aim to maintain a supportive campus
community dedicated to their educational and personal goals.
Our History
Chaffey College was one of the leading colleges in Southern California to begin a
program within a prison-setting in 2004 at the California Institute for Women (CIW).
In 2016, Chaffey expanded its program and began enrolling students at the California
Institute for Men (CIM). By 2019, Chaffey had awarded students at CIW and CIM with
more than 150 degrees and certificates, and these students have had a recidivism rate
of nearly zero percent.
Rising Scholars Network
Chaffey College is a part of the California Community Colleges “Rising Scholars Network”,
which is a group of community colleges dedicated to providing access to opportunity
and academic achievement for students who have experienced the criminal justice system.
Students who have experienced the criminal justice system can face significant barriers
to academic and career success, and we aim to provide the support necessary for these
students to accomplish their academic and career goals.
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