Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 12, 2024

Monday January 15 will mark what would have been Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 95th birthday if he were still alive today. Through Dr. King’s tireless efforts in the pursuit of justice, equality, and civil rights, the nation saw the passage of the Voting Rights Act, the Selma to Montgomery march and the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 

Today, the news headlines look much different, but civil rights remain just as critical to our society.  

As a community college, I invite each of us to reflect on Dr. King’s legacy and renew our commitment to the values he championed. Through education, each of us has the power and opportunity to advocate for inclusivity and denounce prejudice when we see it happening.   

Here at Chaffey College, we continue to advance our equity work each year to support our underserved student populations. Through the efforts of our Center for Culture and Social Justice (CCSJ) and events like our annual Black and Brown Minds & Mattering Conference, we hope to build a strong community of acceptance and empowerment – one that would make Dr. King proud.   

On January 31, we will be hosting our Unity in Community ‘Welcome Back’ event in the Quad on the Rancho Campus from 11 am -2 p.m. for students to connect with Chaffey’s diverse leadership and learn about identity and support programs that are available.  

Keep an eye on announcements from the CCSJ for Black History Month events coming in February.  

In observance of Dr. King’s birthday, campus will be closed on Monday January 15. Normal campus hours will resume on Tuesday January 16. 

Have a restful weekend, Panthers! 



Henry D. Shannon, Ph.D.
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