Acting Superintendent/President Board Update

August 23, 2024

Dear Campus Community,

At the August 22, 2024, Governing Board meeting’s study session, information was shared regarding the MacKenzie Scott gift. I wanted to provide a copy of the statement I read, and the materials presented to our campus community to ensure anyone who missed the meeting has this information. 

In addition to the attached PowerPoint and statement,  I also asked Director of Budgeting and Grant Compliance Heather Decauwer to walk us through the reconciliation for MacKenzie Scott funds. The attached document shows the cumulative revenue and expenses for these funds through June 30, 2024. 

At Dr. Shannon’s direction, the Strategic Communications team has developed the following announcement page to provide an archive of messages sent from the Office of the Superintendent/President to promote greater transparency and communication:

Messages from Superintendent/President Archive

Thank you, 

Lisa Bailey
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