Celebrating Our Reaffirmation of Accreditation

January 17, 2024

I am thrilled to share with you that at its recent meeting on January 10 - 11, 2024, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) has officially reaffirmed our accreditation for the next seven years. This decision was made after a thorough review at the ACCJC meeting on January 10 - 11, 2024, where they examined our Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) and supporting materials, as well as the Peer Review Team Report from the September 2023 site visit.  

 This achievement is not merely a reflection of meeting standards, but it is a testament to the exceptional commitment each one of you has to our institution. The Commission has recognized our collective efforts in fostering a culture of innovation and excellence, and for this, we have received commendations. These commendations highlight our ability to exceed expectations and create a vibrant college culture where ideas are encouraged and developed at all levels. It is especially noteworthy that we received neither Compliance Requirements nor Recommendations for Improving Institutional Effectiveness. This is a rare accolade and one that should make us all incredibly proud. 

 As we celebrate this achievement, let’s take a moment to reflect on the collaborative efforts that brought us here. Our Governing Board, faculty, classified professionals, students and management team has played a crucial role in this success. Your commitment to excellence in education, your innovation in teaching and learning, and your support for our students and each other are seen and valued. 

 In accordance with the Commission's requirements, we will disseminate the ISER, the Peer Review Team Report, and the Commission’s letter across all campus constituencies and make them available to the public on our College website. More information will be shared about our upcoming Reaffirmation of Accreditation celebration event where we will honor our collective accomplishments.  

 I invite you all to join me in celebrating this outstanding achievement. Let us continue to work together with the same spirit and dedication that have brought us this far. 


Henry D. Shannon, Ph.D.
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