Purpose: The Curriculum Committee is a representative group of professional staff that functions as a college-wide standing subcommittee of the Chaffey College Academic Senate and in a recommending and advisory capacity to the Associate Superintendent of Instruction and Institutional Effectiveness in matters related to the college curriculum. Under the direction of the Academic Senate, the Curriculum Committee develops curriculum processes that advance Chaffey Goals on Equity and Success, Learning and Completion, and Community Opportunities and Needs (see Chaffey College, VISION 2030 Educational Master Plan, February 2020).
Scope: The Curriculum Committee provides certification to the Chancellor’s Office that processes and procedures align with California Education Code, Title 5 regulations, and the Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH). The committee's purview includes the maintenance and development of a professional quality curriculum as well as the following activities:
- The systematic review of proposals to change program and course curricula.
- The investigation of evaluative instruments to measure the effectiveness of program curricula.
- The regular and systematic review of graduation requirements, transfer certification requirements, and other matters related to the curriculum as a totality.
- The examination of the curriculum for unwarranted duplication of courses.
- Course approval delegated to the college by the Chancellor's Office.
- Annual systematic review of program effectiveness in conjunction with the Program and Services Review (PSR) Committee.
- Systematic review of articulation agreements (high school, career technical education, and baccalaureate).
- Commendations of faculty and departments that make exemplary use of the curriculum process to foster institutional goals including institutional learning outcomes, student success and completion, sustainability, and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion).
The committee meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays from 1:30-3:00 in the Berz Excellence Building, Room 204. The Curriculum Committee agenda is posted 72 hours in advance of each meeting on the external bulletin board located on the 2nd floor of the BEB building. Feel free to contact any member with your questions and comments.
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