To provide direction and focus in the organization, implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive honors program at Chaffey College.

Scope: 1.
To represent the Chaffey Honors Program on the Honors Transfer Council of California, Western Regional Honors Council, and/or National Collegiate Honors Council.
2. To approve courses and/or honors components of existing courses.

Reports to: Dean, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Terms of Office: The chair, elected from the committee, serves a four-year term. Members serve renewable two-year terms.

Chairperson: Julie Song

Members: Sean Connelly, Ryan Falcioni, Anthony Guaracha, Bonnie Khaw-Posthuma, Jinny Lee, Daniel Loomis, Robert Nazar, Cynthia Parker,  Carrie Veazey, Laura Picklesimer, Nicole Barbari, PTK advisor, Helen Leung, Honors Counselor, Matthew Vincent, Melissa DiLorenzo, Cory Schwartz, dean.

Meeting Day and Time: Third Monday of every month from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. via Zoom until further notice.