Purpose: To coordinate events on campus in a consultative role, engaging Got Culture?, One Book One College (OBOC) Committee, different schools, and Student Activities among others, to conceive a cohesive, general and accessible schedule in order to increase participation of the diverse areas on campus.

Scope: Members of this committee will include faculty and staff who will represent distinct programs and areas of the college (participation from VPA, OBOC, Student Activities, Calendar Committee, etc., will be advisable). Committee members will work together to enhance the importance of early planning and to improve communication and support for scheduled events whether these events are on the main campus, in Chino or Fontana. The Tri-chairs, elected by the committee, shall schedule meetings as frequently as necessary to design the general schedule

Reports to: Associate Superintendent, Student Services and Legislative Engagement

Terms of Office: Two years

Chairpersons: Doug Duno, faculty; Sheryl Herchenroeder, classified

Members: Eduardo Aldas, adjunct;, Richard Baca, adjunct; Maria Beck; Kristen Burleson; Grace Castruita, adjunct; Ruth Collins;  Maria Cuevas; Doug Duno; Rachel Galindo; Luke Gunderson, adjunct;  Sheryl Herchenroeder; Christopher Lamb, adjunct); Sheila Malone; Naomi McCool; Keith Montgomery, adjunct; Leticia Mowrey; Beverly Natividad, adjunct;  Marlene Ramirez-Mooney; Diana Sanchez; and Roman Stollenwerk

Meeting day and time: To be determined

Comments: Established Fall 2015