Purpose: To provide representation for district classified professionals for participation in governance on matters affecting the college except where specifically prohibited by law.
Scope: To promote and facilitate the exchange of ideas and understanding among classified staff, faculty, students, and administrators; to stimulate awareness of and commitment to the philosophy, mission, and goals of Chaffey College; to involve classified staff in campus committees; to voice the classified needs, viewpoints and recommendations on college issues to the superintendent/president and governing board; and to promote the recognition of classified staff as a valued part of the college workforce.
Reports to: Superintendent/President
Terms of office: Members are elected to serve a two-year term.
Chairperson: Trisha Albertson, Chaffey College Classified Senate President
Trisha Albertson, President 7/1/20-6/30/22
Sarah Schmidt, Vice President 7/1/19-6/30/21
Hope Ell, Recording Officer 7/1/19-6/30/21
Tina Altis, Treasurer 7/1/20-6/30/22
Joseph Cascio
Laura Crespo
Christine Martinez
Leticia Mowrey
Sonia Torres
Lorie Vasquez
Susan Bishop
Alyssa Kraus
Lisa Bruchet
Ashira Murphy 7/1/20-6/30/22
Monica Han, CSEA liaison
Melanie Siddiqqi, Administrative Liaison