Purpose: To identify students who appear to be in distress and provide supportive intervention for them, as well as guidance to the referring party, before the student reaches crisis level. 

Scope: To promote student well-being and campus safety through awareness and communication with student of concern.

Reports to: Associate Superintendent, Student Services and Strategic Communications

Terms of office: Two years

Chairperson: Jennifer Henry

Members: Nicole Barbari, Audley Francis, Prentice Harris, Jennifer Henry, Vatche Kaprielian, Gail Keith-Gibson (adjunct), Richard Munoz, Cheryl Newman-Tarwater, Patty Powell, and Veronica Rios.

Meeting day and time: The committee meets from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Tuesday. 

Comments: For additional information, please visit the BIT website.