Chaffey College offers free certificate programs designed to support and prepare you for an entry-level career. 

English as a Second Language (ESL)

ESL CoursesIf you’re interested in learning how to read, write and speak English, Chaffey College’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program can help. Our program serves a wide variety of people including:

  • International students
  • People who have learned some English in another country and wish to continue learning here
  • People who have been living in the U.S. for decades and speak English, but want to improve their writing and speaking skills
  • People who want a job that requires stronger language skills
  • People who would like to take ESL as the first step in pursuit of a college degree or certificate

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Step One:Apply (Begin with the "Start Here" link above)
Step Two:Choose a Class
Step Three: Register
Step Four:Get ready for Classes to Start!

Need help? Email: and a counselor will email you back promptly.

¿Necesitas ayuda? Correo electrónico: y un consejero le responderá por correo electrónico de inmediato.

تحتاج مساعدة؟ البريد الإلكتروني: وسيقوم المستشار بإرسال بريد إلكتروني إليك على الفور.

需要帮忙? 电子邮件 辅导员会及时给您回邮件。

Certified Nursing Assistant

Nurse Assistant ProgramThe Nurse Assistant Program at Chaffey College is approved by the Department of Public Health, State of California (CDPH), following Title 22 regulations. The program is designed to teach the necessary information and skills to take the National Nursing Assistant Assessment Program (NNAAP) state certification test, taking the program does not certify the student. To enroll in the CNA course, students must be 16 years old. The class is taught in English and there are lectures, group activities, skills lab demonstrations and practice on patient care skills and assessments of progress (tests/quizzes and return demonstrations). Students must attend an information session, mandatory orientation, complete fingerprinting, have a physical, immunizations and clear urine drug screen. 

* A mandatory information session is required. Visit the CNA webpage for more information.

Need Help?

Email the Health Sciences Counselor:

Caregiving Essentials Certificate

Caregiving FLYER

The Caregiving Essentials Certificate provides students with the foundational skills needed to serve as an informal caregiver of family members and/or other older adults. Students also gain a competent understanding of the critical concepts and resources essential to caregiving. This certificate also prepares students for employment as a formal caregiver in a variety of settings, including residential care facilities, adult day care, and home care.

Need Help?

Email the Health Sciences Counselor:

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Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC)

HVAC flyerThe HVACR program prepares you to apply technical knowledge and skills to repair, install, service and maintain the operating condition of the heating, air conditioning and refrigeration systems. You will receive instruction in HVACR, air distribution systems, HVACR piping practices, brazing and tools, HVAC electrical systems, gas heat, refrigerants, recovery, vacuum and charging, HVACR electric heat, oil heat and hydronic heating, pneumatics and building automation controls, heat pumps, HVACR air distribution, installation, flues and ducts, advanced commercial HVAC systems and solar. Additional instruction is provided on management skills required in the HVACR business. 

The HVAC program is a noncredit (zero cost) hybrid training programs that earns a successful student two Chaffey College certificates. The first level certificate is offered during the fall semester on a full-time basis (Monday-Thursday) from 8:00 am to approximately 12:00 pm with additional online work required. The level II certificate if offered during the same times in the spring semester. Included in the spring semester courses is the opportunity to test for two significant industry-recognized certifications.
To enroll in the program, you would need to complete the Chaffey College application to receive your student ID number. This number is needed to register and receive any service on campus.
For more info:
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (click on Level I/II certificates)

Need Help?

or make an appointment with Adult Education Counselor Nicole Pinon
or make an appointment with a General Counselor

How to Enroll in Noncredit Programs:

Apply to Chaffey College:  Within 2-3 days, you will receive your Chaffey College student ID number in your email. You will need your ID number to complete step 2.

2) Self-register for the noncredit courses. You can look up the specific courses in the Academic and Career Community Program Mapper. 

Self-register tutorial: How to Register for Classes Through Student Planning.

For assistance:

  1. Make an appointment with Adult Education counselor Nicole Pinon
  2. Make an appointment with a Success Coach
  3. Make an appointment with a General Counselor
  4. Connect live with a Success Guide
  5. Email Outreach at:

3) Make an appointment for an education plan to map out exactly what courses to take, when they are offered, and to plan for your current and future career goals! See links above for Adult Education Counselor Nicole Pinon or to meet with a General Counselor.